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Everything posted by Alan_Alberino

  1. Well, this is what you made with HWBOT Prime... Why threat them different? Edit: This case is even worse, potential points gained are way higher than with HWBOT Prime
  2. As some guys said and also I said in my previous comment, can't make exceptions... Killed HWBOT Prime cause few guys cheated? Do the same with XTU, same treat for all cases if you want to act professionally
  3. Totally agree with the other guys, can't leave potentially cheated submissions there, need to clean everything and start again with the "secure" version. Lot of people will lose massive ammount of points due to XTU situation, but if you removed other benchs, need to do the same with XTU, same treat for all, can't do exceptions
  4. Nice, another LN2 board that isn't going retail? ^^
  5. Support for covfefe lake
  6. HWBOT servers are f*cked up since some days, they keep bringing more users but don't change the servers to support that new ammount of users, so this kind of things happen...
  7. Great job, thanks for the fast patching of the issue! Also nice to have the possibility of using it without HPET enabled now
  8. Agregame a Facebook y te doy una mano: https://web.facebook.com/alan.alberino.39
  9. Hola, está bueno ver caras nuevas Argentinas en HWBOT, si queres una mano con OC hablame en facebook a https://www.facebook.com/alan.alberino.39
  10. Hola, está bueno ver caras nuevas Argentinas en HWBOT, si queres una mano con OC hablame en facebook a https://www.facebook.com/alan.alberino.39
  11. Hola, está bueno ver caras nuevas Argentinas en HWBOT, si queres una mano con OC hablame en facebook a https://www.facebook.com/alan.alberino.39
  12. Hola Maxi, está bueno ver caras nuevas Argentinas en HWBOT, si queres una mano con OC hablame en facebook a https://www.facebook.com/alan.alberino.39
  13. LOL WTF, no GPU-Z and subbmited as 1x GPU when you have 2xGPU, fix dude
  14. XTU Battle? Epic score on retail 8 dimm board, congrats!
  15. Yeah, when you submit many scores in short time, only best remains in that link
  16. Great, was an interesting bench, scaled with mems, scaled with cpu... Hope they can fix it and have it again.
  17. New HWBOT x265 version incoming? It would be great to have something notticeable in the benchmark window to show that it's the new version (to distingue it from old version easilly), + file verification of course...
  18. Great finding Splave... Guy banned, but what to do with benchs? There are at least 3 bugged benchs (x265 1080p, x265 4k, and hwbot prime) giving globals... Maybe it's notticeable on top scores but what happens with scores that don't appear on front page? Like watercooled tweaked runs that maybe no one sees?
  19. Yep, only Asrock supports more BCLKs within 102,9375 and 103...
  20. No problem with X299 Gaming 9, i9-7900X, and 1080Ti running Catzilla neither on W7 or W10 here... Installed normally and could use my key without any problem... W10 was installed right on x299, W7 was used first on z170 and then put the SSD on X299.. W10 1440p: Alan_Alberino`s Catzilla - 1440p score: 24062 marks with a GeForce GTX 1080 Ti W7 720P: Alan_Alberino`s Catzilla - 720p score: 64180 marks with a GeForce GTX 1080 Ti P.D: Ignore efficiency, I know it isn't the best
  21. Correct submission is 2000.1, not 4000, submit as CPU-Z reading... Fix it
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