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Everything posted by Alan_Alberino

  1. Cooling or league restricted competitions dont make sense anymore, they are always things like this... I think frequency restrictions are better and avoid all this problems...
  2. Nick Shih just posted this on Facebook: Also new 7.10 bios available at Asrock Page, but don't recommend installing since is bunnyextraction for OC and doesnt let you change 4th timings and RTLs/IOLs...
  3. Great, thanks. Had a trip of 10 days and when I came I had 6 exams so I didn't watched too much and I'm suscribed but had +200 new mails so I didn't seen it. Thanks for this big help to the community Will see if some idea for an accessory comes after pending exams... EDIT: Sketchup file mentioned at the link you provided here isn't available at provided files. Isn't it available yet?
  4. Only one score per user on each stage right?
  5. Any news on this? I'm in Argentina and we have 50% of product price importation fees here with other random additionals depending on the shipping, so bench table goes above U$S 300 including shipping, so making one here with CAD files would be a lot cheaper. Of course only one for me, not selling it.
  6. Are you using 102.97 or 102.93 bclk?
  7. Nice, I was thinking about getting DICE that is cheaper since LN2 isn't needed with coldslow problems, and this definitely confirms that there won't be too much problems doing that. Thanks for answering!
  8. Great score At what temp do you have coldslow approx? Planning to bench my zombie 9800GTX+ soon
  9. Hope we can find the secret for 699 Great job
  10. Nice, the 743 of i3-6100! Congrats I tried to get it last days but W10 anniversary edition isnt good at all for XTU. You used 2.5 VCCPLL? Seems to high for AIO
  11. I went to CES 2016 and there were nothing related to OC except HiCookie, Steve and Boris at a private Gigabyte event where I was the only one that knew what they were doing LOL... Now that I won't go there will be lot of OC events
  12. XTU @ 4140MHz 12-11-11-28 200 1T 50/51 6/6 on AIO cooled CPU with G.Skill 3600 C16 Trident Z 1.25 VCCIO, 1.35v VCCSA, 2v bios vMem, 2.05v measured vMem... Next step: Improve efficiency...
  13. 3600 C16 B-Die, a good kit that runs above 4133 12-11 50/51 on AIO CPU (No cold IMC), tried all I mentioned above and also tried 3 different CPUs with good IMCs (All run 4133 12-11), but can't go higher than 4360MHz. Like I said, I reached that frequency even at C16, but cant go higher at any timings. Using 1.25 VCCIO, 1.35 VCCSA, both PLL voltages at 1.25v, and like I said before, vDimm from 1.6v to 1.9v didn't change anything.
  14. Any tips for max memory clock? I can't get above 3370, I get that clock with any VCCSA and VCCIO in 1.2v and 1.35v range, any vDimm between 1.6 and 1.9v, and even timings from C16 to C31, tried different mem multipliers and also couldn't go higher. Most 2nd timings and all 3rd timings are auto, maybe that's the problem?
  15. Great job, nice to see you found the efficiency you needed
  16. In Asrock, I set 3866 c12-12-12-28 240 with rest on auto, then tight secondary and tertiary timings at 3866 and then push to +4000 and make the final profile. I tested 3 different CPUs and all made 4133 12-11, good board is more important than good IMC
  17. Wow, you're on fire Nice to see new people in the high levels, keep pushing!
  18. Yeah I know, but if the user doesn't provide the link or dont save the file, the submission will be invalid right?
  19. Yeah, I was 1st at Division III, now I'm 11th with no posibility to submit scores at Time Spy stage since my GPU is a 560Ti that doesn't support DX12 I have a curious question. In case of benching without internet, that scores can't be validated online (Like my scores), even if the user dont use LOD, how is the procedure? I ask this since the score needs to be validated online and screenshot says that score can't be validated.
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