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Everything posted by crustytheclown

  1. Remove the cap out of those in red circle that is for pll.(i think the second from the right) You can check with a dmm which one is by measuring them. Then you have to plug there a e-power,g-power or any short of external voltage regulator to control the pll. Remember because it is just for pll you do not need to do any hard wiring and grounding to the e-power.just a cable from e-power is enough as cpu pll is not consuming many amps.(ground from the 6pins of the e-power are more than enough). We used to do it with a home made single phase voltage regulator. Oh the memories.
  2. There are about 5 small capacitors side by side near the cpu socket,please measure which one is the pll one.
  3. I think it's a matter of if you have installed the correct framework in your os. If you have not the the driver needs internet connection to download it and if not then you cannot get the CP to work. SLI compatibility bits is hidden in nvinspector. You have to click the magnifier at the top of the window in order to see the hidden settings.
  4. you should manually set boot mem voltage to get the board going.
  5. Your cpu is obviously throttling. XTU reports temps around 100c. You should try better cooling and (or) lower vcore.
  6. Does this mb has boot mem voltage option? Try tingling with this if it does do not leave it auto. Also try loosing your trdwr they seem tight.
  7. If you set IOL's at 6 it keeps giving you 70's? Change the IOL's manually and RTL's auto and see what it gives you.
  8. You can also try to set the iol's to 6 and let the rtl's at auto man and see what the mb sets. That's a nice place to start from.
  9. I 'll join in later today. I have the ln2 in my hands and it is a beast!!!
  10. In order to change rtl and iol's in the giga board you have to change the first option for them in each mem tab. You have to set these two settings for both channels seperately.
  11. I think it is easy as hell to just write an image of an os to a usb stick with acronis. It sees it as a hdd so you just put in it an image of the os you have in your ssd and then the usb becomes bootable with os and everything... yes it is unstable and yes it is very sloooow. Imho the right way for x58 high pci-e frew is either an external pci controller as mentioned or use the asmedia (or whatever secondary sata controller) your mb has.Allways on ide mode.
  12. a good idea also is to find an ide drive and raise your pci-e to 130+
  13. 266 mem strap,+300 skew on cpu, +100 on NB, GTL's auto and Perf. Level. 10 Twister at Stong. Higher Perf Level got me troubles with 266 strap that's why. They worked for 686 fsb on me. Also try PLL as low as possible to get lower coldbug and vtt at 1.4 or something. The best thing if your chip was up to it was to do a pll mod to get pll at 1.3v and run you cpu practically without coldbug...
  14. This can happen because your gpu goes idle and it switches the pci-e lane freq causing your cpu to go bananas. You can try to force 3d state in your gpu for starts...
  15. with 5870 there is no need for OCP also you can adjust the vgpu up to 1.6 with software (ABX 1.51x)
  16. Is it a 5850 or a 5870?
  17. Is OCP needed? I remember completing Vantage benches at 1400 core at 1.6v without any OCP kicking in...
  18. I think this one is Dancop's batch http://www.ebay.com/itm/Intel-Core-i7-4770K-HASWELL-FAST-/321667126569?pt=DE_Elektronik_Computer_CPUs&hash=item4ae4dad529
  19. I'm confused if you guys are questioning the wrapper's integrity or the overclocker's one (or both lol). From the overclocker's perspective as in every other benchmark he (or she) does not have to prove everytime that he is not an elephant. In my humble opinion staff should have ways to check the integrity of any benchmark and not taking down scores because of doubt. This is vey very demanding of them of course but history (including myself) have teached them to be skeptical about any result that seems bugged,cheated,whatever.Tough descision to start saying who is to blame here. Checking thing from the Benchmarks perspective: Especially for Aquamark and not wanting to add oil to the fire it is not the wrappers fault. You guys wanted the wrapper not to hang your scores down so to be able to compete with the older version and this kind of wrapper IS the only way. It has a simple system info that many of you guys disable (no comment here) and a simple screenshot application.Nothing more nothing less and with the least demanding system resources. But also here the coin has two sides.Aquamark is by far the least acceptable benchmark in case of integrity.You guys have been talking about changing backrounds,cpu's and using photoshop,but this benchmark is a joke the way it is built... You can have 700k with air cooled core 2 cpu ( even amd cpu lol) and still have system info enabled and a valid check sum and not even have to reboot your system.I think the moderators know this and that's why they are double suspicious of bugged,cheated results. With all above i'm not accusing anyone of anything.A moderators work is tough deal with it so overclockers should be giving them the proof (screenshots,system info) the way they want.On the other hand hwbot should give the overclockers a better tool than this wrapper (not accusing the developer of course,this is what the overclockers wanted at the time developed). I've been an overclocker for a looooong time and i've been accused of many things so i think a deserve to have an opinion on this matter.My 2 cents.
  20. I found a 4790k tha validates 6g on ss (-50c) 4c/4t.Do you guys think it is worth for more testing?
  21. In my opinion the differentiation between street legal and racing pc's cannot be done upon open or closed case. As mentioned above the only think that makes a difference in overclocking (besides skill) is cooling. In such case open case or not does not play an importan role. Also many case manufaturers have introduced open cases for everyday pc's,i do not think they are racing pc's in my books. Enthusiast league is a great thing for these users,although we have seen some extreme conditions enthusiast benching. After all it's all about comparing your oc results with others so entousiast league is the best suited for street legal pc's.
  22. If you had been a little more persistent in Car Low you would have had top spot!!! Great run!!!
  23. i like dat scalling... impressive for nvidia... great score man
  24. I think xtu reads +1 multi due to turbo reading in cpu's string no worries it happens to all cpus i've tested...
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