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Everything posted by K404

  1. Thats awesome value for money!
  2. I was looking in the "wrong" place for prices... £35+ isnt bad I take it back
  3. Vaguely interested in participating, am I. 5450 is terrible value for money though
  4. Makes no difference in 3D06 bro PhysX is against HWB rules anyway Great score Andre 13.6K CPU? Is that normal at those MHz?
  5. Sometimes I see scores submitted where the GPU driver info has been very deliberately masked... or tactically masked with the edge of another window. Should this be made illegal?
  6. I dont know how to I've made vague attempts at that in the past, but its never worked. use 169.21-supported GPU... install drivers Edit nvidia nv_disp.inf... to include GX2 (or whatever) info Install card. The world becomes a better place..... but it never works for me
  7. Figure.... post up a test run and ask before I put time and dry ice into a score i'd get blocked. This is from a 9800GX2- check the GPU ID code. Everything else is masked in windows to allow the use of 169.21 drivers. Will this be ok? It *should* be, its been discussed before... but I want expecting "8800GTS 512" to appear in ALL the name fields!
  8. http://hwbot.org/community/submission/962611_12_3dmark_2006_geforce_8600_gt_256mb_gddr3_9657_marks and... http://hwbot.org/community/submission/961651_diabolo_80_3dmark_2006_geforce_8600_gt_256mb_gddr3_9299_marks Relevant screenshot info: One score breakdown is in the background of the other. That's the thing about re-running straight away... the info in the bench suites front panel doesn't update instantly. I will let the mods take the appropriate action... I hope they do the right thing. My only comment: disgrace.
  9. I dunno what i'd do in the Summer :shrug: I live in the UK remember
  10. Just be careful where you point the camera heh heh heh :D
  11. 3D01 single card... it gets worse from ranks 40 onwards... a lot of guys older scores are showing up as well as their best. Look at all the scores with no points, but a ranking of some kind
  12. I dont entirely disagree with that, Bill. Rev 3 changed the categories that people focussed on. 15 points max for the popular hardware categories... the only people who benched were the people interested in it. Now theres been a new flurry of submissions based on the new, more graded popularity... with more points.
  13. Its not enforceable, thats the thing. Im maybe speaking out of turn, but Massman was/is right. Theres such a crossover between air and water temps/ MHz, it would be a massive headache to enforce. Norwegian/Russian winter air/ water? Compressor-chilled water? Johnnys LN2 liquid chiller? Aircon? If theres points and medals, someone might cheat or bend the rules to dominate a leaderboard I'd happily be king of amateurs. Means I dont have to worry about all the company contacts I dont have and I can still be towards the top of the leaderboard
  14. Welll.... its hard to compete against people who have everything given to them- multiple samples of each, to find the best gear. A reasonable % of them dont even need to pay for all the LN2. IMHO... as someone mostly on the outside of what im about to say.... if you have a stack of parts and they were all free.... its easier to take chances. "Y'know what.... i'm gonna try 1.5vTT on this 980X" Its hard to compete with that when all the parts come out of the monthly pay packet and you're hoping the resale value will be alright. There is more to a Pro league than reducing the flame-fest over use of ES. Heading into the very-unlikely-to-happen route... it would be great if amateur could be split up a bit based on cooling. Theres hundreds of guys on air/water.... cant compete against the LN2 guys, irrespective of sponsors. I would say that affects more people than the ES arguement.
  15. IMHO ,the punishments for hardware sharing should be much harsher. People submit results having ticked a box to say the submission complies with rules. 1st offence... warning. 2nd offence... 1-week ban. 3rd offence... 1-month ban. 4th offence... banned? Too lenient? Hardware sharing... Mip.... the people who do it are losers IMHO
  16. So? I dont think ANYONE started overclocking because £/$/E/Y signs lit up in their eyes. We're at a transitional stage, where it could happen. Do we want to get the groundwork in place for when it DOES (because it WILL) happen... or leave things ticking over and have a bigger mess to deal with when things do become pro? Recognition? less bitching about ES reults? I dunno. Every time I try to think of a response to this... I keep coming back to.... "who cares?" The manufactureres give gear to who they give gear to. There is NOTHING HWB can do that would stop companies giving out hardware to attract attention. They could deliberately try and sabotage it. They cant. I've never been asked by a company "whats your HWB ranking" They give it to guys who will get the gear noticed. HWB is a platform to do that. The number of people viewing the submissions make that successful, not the categories of benchmarker, IMHO. Higher global ranking? Sure, the majority aren't sponsored. Do they want to become so? A higher global ranking gives them a better chance to shine and get people noticed. If someone really just does this for fun and has no aspirations... if its just a way to unwind at the end of a working day.... good for them. Why do they care about amateur and pro leagues at all? As long as theres an accurate set of hardware rankings for them to guage results. IMHO, these two points dont sit well together. If you do it for fun, fine. Why would you care about phychological benefits? It sounds like you arent interested in benching in *that* kind of competitive way. We're ALLLLLL in the amateur league at the moment. What are the tangible and psychological benefits RIGHT NOW? The reasons you might not like the result of a split should be the same reason you shouldnt like it right now.... IMHO
  17. http://hwbot.org/hardware/videocard/geforce_9800_gx2?tab=rankings A lot of guys have duplicate results. The duplicates have no points but I *think* the duplicates are shunting other scores down the rankings
  18. Does it matter if we clear the Pro league with companies? I might be massively naive here, but dont they send the big-names gear because they know it'll get great results in their hands and people will pay attention to the result, regardless of the HWB side of things? Scores will still be on here, just a different database Some simple stuff for starters... Given CPU? 2D results go into Pro League Free/sponsored GPU: 3D results go into Pro league. Other guidelines should be added in too, of course. All results from live events go into Pro League? What about smaller bench bits? I get RAM on a fairly regular basis and the occasional mid-range board. I dont think thats worth sticking me in with Vince If done right, i'm well up for a split
  19. It would help limit the appeal of ES slightly. Buying warranty-less £800 chips in order to compete is a dangerous thing to "encourage" I'm sure Intel & AMD won't mind if theres less incentive to have them as well
  20. Ummm... heading off-topic *slightly* what do people think about a pro league for the scores/ users who are heavily supplied/ funded by manufacturers? Its much harder for some guy to compete out of his own pocket when they have to decide which component they can afford with this months wages and go up against a guy who was sent everything by a sponsor. We all know that when hardware is on-tap and free... the way we clock it is different. It's easy to be extreme but theres no finanical loss for mistakes or over-ambition. I won't cry myself to sleep if things aren't split off, but it would be nice to see the mere mortals have a better shot at higher rankings. I wish I could suggest: CPU given by company- 2D benches go in pro league. GPU given by company: 3D benches go in pro-league... but I know its near-impossible to enforce. "Yea, I was sent two, but this one is mine"
  21. Wish I could find a GTS 512MB with good RAM Nice MHz bro!
  22. I volunteer myself to do the voltmods Heh heh heh Some very nice scores there!
  23. Go go Dave! Whats your system setup? What OS is that? Is it giving you the best times? Are you running with GPU drivers?
  24. 5-600 points difference is a BIG deal in 3DM06 bro.... I also find the "+" part of your figure hard to believe Look at the Canyon FPS.... MILES above the other FPS
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