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Everything posted by K404

  1. Bro.... do you have an FM link for this score? Your SM3 score is very high... and over 11% higher than your SM2 score. Im wondering if theres a tweak I dont know about
  2. If a piece of hardware is never released to retail (Dreadnought 790I springs to mind) but is tested by overclockers..... how about make a category that is set to no points, no silverware, no global ranking allowed? Still get the database and information, but no reward.
  3. If HWB decide to continue supporting this bench, how will results be divided up? S462 S478 S939 S-AM2 (DDR2) S-AM2 (DDR3) S775 (DDR2) S775 (DDR3) I3 I5 I7 ?
  4. In the "Count towards user and team total:" list for a user... could the benchmark list be arranged the same way as our main list instead of being ranked based on what gets us the most points? It would also be great to see our global ranks without having to expand each bench
  5. See if you hadnt told us this... and just changed the algorithm to award the top 20 scores more heavily... none of this would have happened
  6. The points difference between 1st, 2nd, 3rd etc is already big enough... why make it worse? 3D01: 1st place:154 2nd place: 112 3rd: 67
  7. Points dont make or break achievements though. People still recognise the work you've done. Like you said... the work was done last year. Who remembers 16K in 3D03 or 40K in 01? Those achivements are worth nothing now, points-wise, but guys still pushed hella-hard to get there first.
  8. I voted against. The top score is always going to be a world record, theres already a points bonus by being No.1 over No.2 etc The top rankings are also dominated by guys who arent buying their own gear, It... doesnt feel right to award them further for pushing things that most guys cant, because they've had to pick which new toy they can afford with their payslip. Thats not meant as a disrespect to the guys involved... it just doesnt feel right to me. A while ago I had an idea to reward those who take all the No.1 spots in a given category. That idea got shot down... I think this has less merit.
  9. Theres...what.. 48 pages in this BUG thread... how many pages/posts are dedicated to if people like Rev3 or not? Like rev 3? Dont like Rev3? Please take it to another thread.. let HWB mods + admin see the ACCIDENTAL bugs that are present and let those be discussed + sorted
  10. This has probably been mentioned, but the wPrime listings on a users profile page are back-to-front- the slowest time is listed at the top because its a bigger number. I suspect SPi and Pifast will be the same Also- The spacing between each top 5 listing for each categories HOF is too low. It looks too cramped and its hard to pick each leaderboard out aannndddd For a given submission, the icons for CPU/GPU/RAM/board are too big. They swamp the info they are markers to (IMHO)
  11. Cant class these as OMG-importnat but would like to see them tweaked... Will the submission edit + delete options be made a bit easier to get to and use? Will the silverware (as applicable) be added next to each result in the list of submissions per-bench? Will global rankings be attached to the "front" of each applicable result? Can old, beaten scores be masked from the results-per-bench list? Please can the wording be changed where it says "you dont have the rights to delete this result" Its a personal gripe, I dont like the implication that I dont have the right to delete my own work if I so choose. I wish old, checked results could still be deleted by the user if they wish... or at least.... totally masked so they arent counting towards our total number of submssions
  12. Well.....Asus think this is a good idea? They must have reason to believe theres more to gain than lose. If their mobos are such a money-spinner, theres no reason to drop them
  13. Merry Christmas to everyone on the 'Bot Thanks for all the generally thankless, unappreciated work you've done to give us something to have a proper moan about at every opportunity Nah... J/K. Thanks for putting up with us all. I hope Rev3 makes HWB and benching even stronger and fairer and means the mods can do other things with their time Merry Christmas!
  14. So stop using it when you're out and maybe you'll have better luck "Hey Ladies.... im carefully binned and competitively priced"
  15. How about starting to hand out short-term bans for users who regularly submit results with D-PP, Mip and PhysX in Vantage? 1st 2 offences- results removed with warning 3rd offence: 1-week ban? 4th offence: 1-month ban? etc Theres big warning signs about this stuff.. especially PhysX so IMHO anyone submitting like this deserves little sympathy and two of them ARE cheats.
  16. With 3D03 its easier because the score+ score breakdown can be seen without an internet connection- a full screeny can be put together no problem. 05 and 06 are the difficult ones....
  17. http://hwbot.org/compare.do?resultId=811786 SM3 scores look high for the clocks- especially Deep Freeze. LN2 cooled 9800GTX scores cant touch it. The guy doesnt participate in rankings and the result has been checked but I dunno how the score is possible? -> Its the only top 5 score in the 9800GTX/GTX+/ GTS250 categories where SM3 score is > SM2
  18. They shouldnt/ I dont think so, but once I test i'll report back If someone could do a guide to allow older drivers to support new cards.. that would be much nicer
  19. Oh... submitting it in the original cards category is no problem, thats all im interested in. It DOES make things hard for you guys though and I can see why it might annoy some other users. About trying Omega drivers: "Unlike Futuremark, hwbot chooses to allow people to use whatever driver they feel is best for their videocard, be it an official version of the videocard driver. Pre-modified performance drivers, such as Starstorms, are not allowed for the simple reason that the HWbot crew is unable to be certain that there are no cheats implemented in those drivers. There is one exception: the Omega Ati drivers. These are allowed because they give the user the opportunity to unlock for instance pipelines on their video card." Does this mean nVidia Omega drivers are NOT allowed?
  20. Your score will deffo be better. I forgot to say last night... with that little GPU power, the CPU wont make as big-a difference as you'd expect. The GPU controls most of the score
  21. You're on Windows 7 which is suicide for 3DM01... you also dont have an FPS breakdown window open so its hard to see where hes gaining FPS over you.... seeing as you're on W7... I expect it to be in every subtest You're verification link takes me back to your screenshot
  22. I was thinking that.The numbers and titles dont make any sense. I have an Omega modded 169.21 here. Maybe that will do what I need. Still slightly in-elegant but at least everyone will know what card was benched
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