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Everything posted by K404

  1. Thanks Gautam Any info on D-PP?
  2. Im comparing some runs iv done in 3D06 and I really REALLY dont see how a couple guys have pulled the FPS they have in parts of 3D06, especially given their MHz. I dont know enough about MIP and D-PP to flag their results but i'd like to know... how do these cheats affect the 3DM06 sub-test scores? I dont want to say much about the categories users or scores. I dont want to risk tainting any replies.... Cheers!
  3. Keep forgetting about the submission logs. Sorry!
  4. BOOOOOOO 1st thread discussing one my scores and its not a congratulations : Did you edit my submission knop, so it comes up as 2x 8800GT?
  5. Dead link bro Is your review a world exclusive?
  6. http://www.firebox.com/product/2576/Crap-Calendars?itc=191&src_t=nwt&src_id=272&via=sec Her Majesty’s Prisons of England, The Birmingham Outer Circle 11 Bus Route (Anti Clockwise) and Best of British Roundabouts. So utterly random that im surprised no-one thought of it earlier
  7. http://hwbot.org/hardware/videocard/radeon_hd_5770
  8. http://hwbot.org/compare.do?resultId=632592 score seems very high for such low CPU
  9. "but I've already bench it and want post my results to get some hwboints" Without scores to analyse, who am I to argue?
  10. If you paid 9800GT money bro, get a refund!!! Did you get good scores that would hold up in the 9800GT category?
  11. half-assed failure? Miserable failure?
  12. Killed by what you helped create. Thats harsh
  13. There is a whole load of unnecessary crap in that screenshot (IMHO)
  14. I just went through all my 3D submissions and made sure everything was in order (apart from the checked ones I cant edit) Some of the properly-detected ones are better scores though. isnt ~15K mobos about right? Asus and Giga do over-release a bit Thanks for going through allllll these fields and cleaning them up. I can imagine a % of the tedium involved.....
  15. What criteria are there at the moment for deciding what scores appear in it? I have better scores in the same bench, done with the same board but they arent showing up?
  16. Hey Andre.. fair point I should have said "willing to show" not able to show From an ultra-cynical POV, you showing proof of retail was a mute point as in theory, you can skip the queue and/or get advance on retail parts. Thats not an accusation towards either you or eVGA... it comes back to how things *could* look. I figured the first batch sold out really quick and theres a backlog. I was hoping eVGA had more inventory Just a general wish, nothing to do with F1
  17. I disagree completely From The Overclocker magazine, Rule No.1: All kit must be retail spec and must be on sale by the end of each month. Did you mis-word the rule? The rule was adjusted to "pre-order" and "following month" AFTER the questionable result was made known (to the public anyway.) Apparently these boards are now shipping, or a small batch was shipped. Ironically, the only person whos been able to show a shipping receipt is a man who had ES to play with. Was the inclusion of not released hardware requested in advance of a score, or as an afterthought? Was the clearance given, knowing what the score+ hardware was? Did all the competitors and companies know in advance? Changing the wording of a rule can change the rule. What you meant to say might not have changed, but how did everyone respond to the first revision of the rule and how did everyone react to the alteration? Appearances are everything, Nick.
  18. Its cool. Im used to wild tangents. At least this one is labelled properly junk food tastes good: yea... but thats taste. I like the taste of nuitrition too (within reason)
  19. McDonalds???? Seriously bro... go celebrate properly. I'll front you the money for a Burger King double angry whopper king-size meal if I have to :p
  20. LOL yes to what part? :D
  21. Will the info thats in the 1st post of each scanned thread be kept up to date or will it all be allowed to slip? The 1st post info is good for in-house competition as well as giving us info on the inter-team leaderboard for that bench Cheers!
  22. I think you'll be proven wrong
  23. Thanks Fred My work hasnt shown up in that team page for a while Im looking forward to a users hardware points joining their global points graph
  24. I had to rebench my GTS320 in AM3 because of this. :D Arn@ and me had the same score. Its also taught me that AM3 scores are quantised... I kept getting the same 3 scores over and over again
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