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Everything posted by K404

  1. Hello all! I have encountered this lovely message for the first time. In-Windows attempts have been done with the card (GTX980) disabled in device manager. I've tried nVFlash 5287 (certificate bypass) and 5.59 board ID mismatch patch. Does anyone have any ideas on how to get around this?
  2. Thankyou for the input on this I wasn't looking at the card correctly because I don't (yet?) have the experience with newer PWMs. Made some progress, but the card has had an awful life. It's currently not an 8-phase PWM, put it that way!
  3. Hello all I have a GPU problem that i'm running short on ideas on how to solve. It's an MSI GTX980 Gaming edition card, picked up faulty on eBay. It briefly worked, but a shunt resistor fried under load. (Panasonic ERJ-M1WSF5M0U) i've replaced it twice, but insta-fry upon power up. Could there be damage to the current detection IC that the shunt is connected to? They are V3505's if i'm looking at this correctly... I don't know much about them and as of yet, I can't find spares. I can find replacements for the shunt resistor and I've thought about buying higher-rated ones..... with a lower resistance for a power limit workaround..... but without having a better idea of what's wrong, I don't think that's very...... informed. Any pointers would be very welcome Thanks. K
  4. Not many people will care now, but this card was released with a vCore of ~1.55v and a fairly simple aluminium cooler. No prizes for guessing how that combination worked! Here's a VID mod to reduce the vCore for day-to-day use.
  5. Asus BIOS are for Asus cards ....but i'm glad your card is working again!
  6. Clearing the CMOS won't help Did you save a copy of the original MSI BIOS?
  7. *sigh* Please can a mod delete this result? I swear, I picked the 3DMark Vantage box for the submission. https://hwbot.org/submission/4510084_ Also... it took MINUTES to enter all the info for this.....any timescale on when the main site will be responsive enough to.....errr.....use?
  8. Thanks for the replies Mr. Scott, Is there a link to generic/universal competiton rules? I know that most have unique ones too Hey Alby! Are you looking after yourself? Family is all good here! Catchup on Skype soon?
  9. Don't get excited... i'm just messing about with an Ebay purchase Before I risk looking silly or getting a score (or myself!) removed.... does this screenshot pass all the current 2020 regulations? I *think* that it does, but I want to check. I have the 3DMark file as well Thanks
  10. HSF sourced! Thankyou very much Leonard
  11. Sooooooo close to breaking 5 minutes!! Great result and great MHz!!
  12. Thanks for adding that Matt My comment about the UK only means that this is where it needs to get to If either of you are happy to post internationally, please let me know how much it would cost (including shipping- it definitely does not need to be express!) Thanks
  13. As title....does anyone happen to have one (in good condition) lying around that they don't need?
  14. Seeing as it's the same controller...... I have an Asus GTX580 here that doesn't give any vGDDR. There is no voltage across the chokes. I've replaced the 7030AL FETs but I don't have any 5030ALs handy to replace those. Does anyone have the full pin-out of this controller so I can narrow down what is or isn't wrong? (FB is #14 BTW, Shar!) Thanks
  15. My first topic for years and there's a typo in the title *sigh* At least i'm consistent! Please can a mod edit it? Edit: Thankyou
  16. Thankyou for the headsup
  17. Thanks for the reply! Overclockers explicitly state b-die, so if Thaiphoon says otherwise, I feel like I could return it for being mis-sold. Based on the timings (4400 @ 19-19-19-39, 1.45v) (4000 @ 19-19-19-39, 1.35v) Should I be looking for CAS 18, even if tRCP and tRP are worse?
  18. As title really The price difference is eyebrow-raising. Do Patriot get the worst of the good parts or something?
  19. One (minor) bug that I see... in at least some GPU pages , nVidia cards have Crossfire headers instead of SLI ie 2x Crossfire, 3x Crossfire, 4x Crossfire Is it possible to tweak the code so that a card's page only shows the benchmarks that the card can run? It's miserable looking at a DX7 or DX8 card and seeing ~30 rows that are non-applicable. Would that have any benefit to server load? ....and do there really need to be so many GPU benchmarks??!?
  20. That is brilliant! To Roman and Eike..... THANKYOU :) Every time that I try to check HWBot for any kind of hardware comparison, it is soooooo slllooooowwwwww. I hope that one day the site will be really snappy :)
  21. After a lot of time trying ideas that didn't work for the GTX570 and GTX580.... EDIT: derp. Controller is a uP6208. Time for more reading....
  22. Hello all Every now and again, I end up with a few things that I can't fix. This is one of those times. These aren't benching cards, just things that pass through my hands. Any ideas or help would be appreciated 1/ Asus GTX570 DCUII vCore = 0 vGDDR = 0.51v No signs of damage. Fuses have been replaced. 12V inputs are fine. FB, OCP, 3.3v and vCC input values for both vCore and vGDDR are as expected, so no obviously damaged components there. Both controllers and their surrounding areas have had a pass from a Hot Air Station in case of dried-out solder joints. 2/ Asus GTX580 DCUII vCore = 0 Same as above. 3/ MSI GTX560Ti-448. PWM RUNS HOTTER THAN HELL, even during post and OS load. Can't touch it after even a few seconds. Voltages are normal. Never seen anything like this before. 4/ GTX275. Voltages are normal. Monitor comes out of standby when PC powers up, but no display. Any ideas for any of the above would be welcome EDIT: Ha! Just by typing that out, I had a couple of ideas for the Asus cards. Writing things down definitely helps!
  23. In Rivatuner and GPU-Z they don't, though...
  24. What? What part of my reasoning suggests that? I don't know enough about AMD cards to comment on that, but there is ONE crossover in core spec between all the GTX460 and GTX560 cards (although different silicon...which completely zeros your comment) .... out of 5 GTX 460 classes and 6...7? GTX560 classes. They have different NAMES and SPECIFICATIONS 8700K and 8086K have different names. You are picking bad examples to support your viewpoint. Is there a language barrier here? Is nVidia marketing (which sometimes mentions the 512MB separately and sometimes doesn't) important to how HWB classes a card? I don't think it is. Is it the only time that nVidia have officially made two ref cards with different memory amounts (no other changes?) Is that important when all we care about are synthetic benchmark results and want (I hope) a standardised consistent platform for hardware? Does anyone else have an opinion on this entire subject? Should there be general rules for adding new classes based on memory amount or should they be dealt with on an individual basis? How many benchmarks should be affected by RAM volume before there should be consideration of a new category?
  25. But your reasoning makes no sense and is "dangerous" for hardware classification. Would you use those reasons for any other hardware classification? Different PCB: Ref Vs OC model clocks: Ref Vs factory OC Memory amount: makes no difference to the benchmarks that run on a 7800 memory packaging is a little bit interesting, but HWBot do not differentiate on package. Only memory type. They both have GDDR3 Based on Device ID, nVidia see both 0090 and 0091 as 7800GTX: https://us.download.nvidia.com/XFree86/Linux-x86/346.47/README/supportedchips.html (7800 and 7900 series are quite far down) I generally do not like Device ID as a means of seperation, though. It can create problems with rebranded cards/cores. My reasoning for possible class combination: Two cards named 7800GTX made with G70-A1 silicon. 24 Pixel, 8 vertex, 16-ROP, 256-bit bus, connecting GDDR3 One good (?) reason to not separate the classes: The memory clocking ability of the GTX512 gives it a clear lead over the 256MB version and the 512MB version appears to be hard to find, so leaving them split keeps the 7800GTX category more open to new good scores.
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