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Everything posted by K404

  1. SoF knows where he belongs LOL
  2. Really nice IMC Allen! Don't kill it!
  3. Would it be possible/ of interest to add some extra categories for CPUs with important differences in silicon stepping? E.G.... Q6600 B3 and G0? E8400/8500 C0 and E0 ? I figure if there can be separate GPU classes just for different memory amounts, extra classes for these are MUCH more important
  4. Personal opinion, unpopular kit shouldn't be rewarded heavily at all, no matter what it is or who benches it. I believe there should be a minimum number of results and a minimum number of pople/ teams / nationalities benching something before it gets points. I've spoken to PJ about it before, I hope one day he comes around to my way of thinking If you are speaking of what I think you are, thanks for the words of support
  5. There are 5 results in this entire category.... and gold is worth 60 global points. If it was hardware-class, it'd be worth 2 points. Unbalanced much? http://hwbot.org/benchmark/pcmark_2005/rankings?cores=12
  6. Great MHz.... terrible efficiency???? What went wrong bro? I see you need to change the bench window orientation to get around the 60 FPS bug in GT3 as well
  7. K404

    Did you know ...

    If the anti-spammer technique is an HWBot submission form, that explains how Christian slipped through the net
  8. Sweet sweet work guys! Congrats!
  9. You have completely mis-judged me.... without speaking to me at all. The benchmark is BROKEN. Why support a broken product that is reluctant to give any score at all? It is obsolete and does not run properly/consistently on new or heavily overclocked hardware. If I start benching PCM04 in public (ie submitting results,) am I "allowed" to have an opinion on it? I was the guy who had the original idea to fix it, remember? Are you on any medication for your paranoia? I have tied no names to my opinion of PCM04. My opinion is based on the behaviour of the benchmark itself... i'd say the same if Vince submitted scores daily, or Massman, or SF3D..... anyone. I checked zero PCM04 leaderboards before commenting. It's a vaguely interesting question you almost raised about "benches running on the hardware they're designed for" Would HWB staff be interested in limiting what architectures can be used for benchmarks XY & Z? For example, I'd like to see wPrime not used on more than ~12 threads because it's becoming useless. It's over too fast
  10. I only meant the points should go, not the entire bench
  11. The third test (with grammar check) is usually the problem. Affinity should be changed to one thread for that test. There is software available to set affinity by time. http://www.xtremesystems.org/forums/showthread.php?116886-PCMark04-fix-for-Conroe-post-if-interested& Personally, I think all points should be scrapped for this bench. It's been broken for 5 years and FM don't care (why should they?)
  12. That cheered me right up, thanks bro!
  13. Just had a quick look and didn't see anything about ES..... BUT.... I am JUST out of bed. For staff: Were ALL the rules copied over the Rev 4?
  14. I thought the rules were clear enough? Latest-gen ES = Pro League. The 990X is now last-gen, thats why Sam posted the result when he did There has to be some way of separating the Pros from the self-funding masses and, I suppose, it reduces the appeal of spending a LOT of money buying black market ES without a warranty. IMHO, HWB did about the best job they could have in terms of giving an enforceable rule in regard to ES. If someone is given any number of latest-gen ES (1 or 100) by a company, they are CLEARLY in a better position than the self-funding majority...... especially if its chip thats capable of getting global scores The one question I do have is..... if a user is moved to the pro league for using ES, can they move back when the ES becomes last-gen?
  15. http://hwbot.org/submission/2225468_dhenzjhen_wprime_1024m_2x_xeon_e5_2650_106sec_298ms
  16. Please can AM3 not be ranked in between 3D05 and 3D06. OMFG whoever made that pic can't spell tingling *sits in the corner of a darkened room, rocking back and forth*
  17. Thanks bro. Oh..... he submitted it 3 times these results took the place of the deleted one: http://hwbot.org/submission/1061530_kawaboy51_memory_clock_ddr2_sdram_816.7_mhz http://hwbot.org/submission/1061532_kawaboy51_memory_clock_ddr2_sdram_816.7_mhz
  18. Oh, I know about Win7 bro That's no-ones fault Does it not scale with CPU MHz either? I have never ran a 3 or 4 way system of any kind..... We cannot complain about it not scaling with GPU MHz because that happens with single card too.... 3D03... yea, it's CPU bottlenecked.... but no-one complains about the slow scaling once we are at CPU limit...
  19. Playing devils advocate.... more or less... If enough guys are tempted by an "easy" 60 global points, soon it will be worth more than 60 points and the level of skill required to get those 60+ points becomes greater. Why do none of the Pro league (well... why do none of the guys usually associated with the best scores) care about e.g..... 3D01 4x GPU? If it scaled, would there be more interest? Is it because it gives worse scores than 1 & 2-way GPU setups? There is a WR for it. It's no-ones fault that the bench doesn't scale, so why not work with it anyway? 3D03 doesn't scale properly with 3 & 4-way.... but people still bench it.... why? I wonder.... if the 3D01 4x GPU World record was worth 169 points like a usual bench.... how would the leaderboard look in 3 weeks time?
  20. Will kawaboys score be removed?
  21. ....Or everyone knows he could never brick HWB..... it would be like kicking your baby in the face.
  22. Stop! You're doing it wrong! You submit wPrime at higher MHz than your CPU-Z!?? Nice score bro
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