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Strong Island

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Everything posted by Strong Island

  1. thanks a lot guys, I felt dumb submitting them but I would have felt a lot dumber if I got beat while holding better scores.
  2. well if anyone wants to turn 1 stick into 2, I have a 4133 c19 gskill kit for straight up trade
  3. wow nice memory, I just got my 4133 c18 yesterday, need to find a matching stick, do you have a lonely zadak stick? If someone has a really nice zadak stick, might be willing to trade my 2 4133 c19 gskill for 1
  4. haha, congrats on everything, especially daughter. I let out a huge YES at 3am after I got it, I tried for a long time also. It was crazy to finally see that number.
  5. ya I need to change around my insulation, the round armaflex that came with f1 dark was so hard to get on and I havent changed it for 2.5 years, but that could have been problem with first session. I think I only have 1 zadak stick so need to find a matching b-die. Cant wait to try case king 6700k on this board and take break from non k.
  6. does anyone have 1 zadak 4133 stick, maybe they want to match up with mine and we can take turns with it or something, haha Do we use slot closest to cpu for pushing max frequency on 1 stick. Do you guys install 2 sticks and disable a slot in the bios to push 1 stick, so the pot isnt just on 1 stick?
  7. hey does anyone have an extra hold down laying around. Been using mine for 2+ years now and rods are getting wobbly.
  8. wow incredible, that memory is insane, board must be sick
  9. Thanks a lot, been having so much fun with this cpu, and to think it only cost me $100.
  10. Thanks guys, thanks a lot for all your help Jason you helped me a lot.
  11. ya will try a little higher vcc pll. The problem for me was like post code 55. So when I would change the bclk the mem would change slightly and I would get post code 55. Like sometimes when you are pushing mem you have to retry a couple times but when over around -120 and get 55 it causes a cold reboot and I get the cbb. I need to test my ram more on air before going cold again. Last night with m8e I tried booting 3900+ mem and it caused a cold reboot and I had to warm up to same as ocfm so it did the same exact thing, but it boots a little easier with slight mem speed changing. I must be doing something wrong, need more time with board.
  12. Thanks so much for everyone's offers, need to ask mod to close. An awesome member lent me his rockit. This ended up being the chip I am benching lately, I am so happy I waited and didnt kill it with a razor. Really though, you guys are awesome to offer to do that. Mods if you could please close. Thanks a lot.
  13. Man I dont think a score ever felt so good. I was trying for almost 2 months for this. New dual core #1. Thank you so much _mat_ and gtijason for helping me so much
  14. Thanks so much guys, the only thing I can think of is that I was installing the amd app sdk wrong. Even though I did it like your supposed to. I tried 2.7, 2.9, 3.0. So then I found an old amd card and installed catalyst 14.2 beta 1.3 and the score was normal again. Before my 1/64 seemed normal but 4/512 was 8 seconds slower, and 4/512 is the best for this cpu so it was really hurting my score. The last score I submitted to div 3 was 10min+ at 6.0ghz. So I was like 2min off. Man this score made me so happy. I have been trying this for almost 2 months now. I know that sounds dumb because most people have no trouble but I had a lot. I was a few sessions from moving on. And I only had trouble with non-k oc. All k processors and gpus always worked fine for me. Really weird.
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