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Everything posted by Gunslinger

  1. PURE get together in Detroit before Vince defected to TW Knut - aka Jackfruit aka the Baconator Chispy aka Chrispy puff a much younger and skinnier version of myself OC heaven with Elmor, Adeline, TL, Shamino, Ian, Vlad, Hazzan, Jean-Michel, TL and Shamino, masters at work Shamino examining a major PSU engineering failure
  2. Time to add a benchroom dehumidifier to your OC gear.
  3. sold
  4. Gunslinger

    [FS] i3-7350K

    Selling a used 7350K dual core w/HT CPU. Purchased on 1/18/17 from Newegg This CPU has been delidded and has not been glued back together. $150 shipped. Payment via PayPal. Heatware: Reviews/Feedback for Gunslinger OCS | HeatWare.com
  5. Very nice guide, still no boards in the US though.
  6. yes, 64 bit OS I'll give that go.
  7. so what's the secret to 4K C12 in Win 7 and 8.1? I can run XTU for days high and tight in Win 10 but can't even get to the desktop in 7 or 8.1
  8. can't believe that's my first real LN2 session since March of last year.
  9. Can't tell if you've set the bar high or low
  10. Not impressed at all. My binned Skylake running 5.2ghz 5.0ghz cache with 1.39V on a water loop...oh nevermind, nice chip!
  11. Nope. I had the same situation with my 7700K, I went to a local shop and bought the cheapest s1151 they had which was a G4520 for about $95. I flashed my bios and then resold the chip. :celebration:
  12. SOLD
  13. Gunslinger

    [FS] G4520 CPU

    Selling a very lightly used G4520 CPU. I bought it only to flash the bios on my AsRock motherboard so that it would run my 7700K. Once the flash was done the CPU was put right back into the retail packaging. Paid $95 for it last weekend. $60 shipped is the price. PayPal for payment, shipping is included in the price. Heatware: https://www.heatware.com/u/61643
  14. Raja@ASUS says mid to end of January for the US market.
  15. I was wondering how you guys are checking your mount using delidded Skylake/Kaby lake? What I usually do is run XTU at something like 5GHz and watch the CPU package temperature vs. my LN2 pot temperature. I like to see 0 degree package temps under load at no warmer than -30C on my pot. With that said, I've had terrible luck so far with SL CPU deaths, I've had them run the bench session and not survive a reinstall, as well as die sitting on my desktop gathering dust.
  16. What do you score before you "strip down processes" ?
  17. You has morels?
  18. Got one, thanks !
  19. Looking for an ASRock Z170 MOCF board, can't seem find them in the retail channel anywhere. Shipped, USA, zip code 35603
  20. Still available?
  21. As is the SR2 setup.
  22. make it happen man! :celebration:
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