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Everything posted by der8auer

  1. No I wanted to have it with all cores/threads
  2. This is going to be the most pointless low clock challenge ever
  3. Will be there. Probably from 21st to 5th plus minus few days
  4. I will tell Eike to check his mails
  5. Great work man!
  6. That's the same thing. The heatgun easily has 500°C and more. But it's your health I can only say that I mounted and benched hundred of times with Skylake and Kaby Lake and maybe once in 20 times I have cracks and I never dried any paste.
  7. The paste helps to conduct heat but on the other hand the conductivity itself is quiet bad so you want the layer to be as thin as possible. Less fluid TIMs can't fill micro gaps and tend to build a thicker layer between the two surfaces which means the result will be worse.
  8. I just came across this guide: https://barbonenet.wordpress.com/2017/02/08/how-to-make-the-compound-crackfree/ I know that his intentions are good and he wants to help our community but you should never ever "cook" your TIM unless you know exactly what is inside. Depending on the TIM you have different types of polymers as matrix materials and the gases can be toxic if vaporized. edit: Also: there is no water inside polymer TIMs.
  9. It only adjusts the wprime to realtime - nothing special. You can do the same with several other tools, too.
  10. Cleaning the surface before should be more important than the application itself. Ideally something with hydrocarbons (C6-C7)
  11. Just put some normal thermal paste on top to cover it.
  12. I think my first time with LN2 was during an Awardfabrik session which I think was around 2007/2008. No_Name (Michael) was a great guy and a good teacher My first LN2 rig with my first LN2 container. I'm not sure but I think it was E4300 and 8800 GTS in SLI
  13. It works with Skylake CPUs but not Kaby Lake as far as I know
  14. I bought 3 cards for 1100 USD last year. However those were in perfect condiction (not benched). I'd say around 300 € is okay
  15. unfortunately it doesn't work anymore
  16. Yes I just measured my AM4 Board here and it's exatly 90 x 54 mm
  17. Really this launch... I have no words for this sht. In the end everyone who signed and follows NDA is the idiot here
  18. How the hell does this make sense?
  19. Unfortunately it's not possible to overclock your CPU on this board Even with Z-Chipset you can only do ~3-5%
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