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Everything posted by der8auer

  1. Unfortunately not
  2. Hope I can make it
  3. I don't get it. I mean the george on here is alive. Just the same name?
  4. Danke Den Plan arbeiten wir gerade noch aus =)
  5. I will check internally what we can do
  6. Everything is possible
  7. Send me a message if you want to join
  8. Hey Nein, wir haben langfristige Pläne
  9. "downclocked for screenshot" wait wat
  10. We had the RoG Camp several times in Germany before and it's really sucessfull. Guys like minicoopers, racoon or aerotracks started with the RoG camp and they are doing really well. ASUS Germany is covering the event so obviously it has to have some country restrictions.
  11. Seems like the marketing worked if you went to Caseking.de Why should I remove your comments? I think it makes more sense to leave them so others can see them. Win10 is not allowed for Catzilla and you should know that. That's clearly your own fault.
  12. Well I clocked my CPU higher than yours which by definition is "overclocking". I don't enjoy catzilla at all so why should I spend more time on it. Why are you so mad lol? Ofc it's silicon lottery if you are limited by your worst card. No magic or skill can suddenly increase the clocks. What are you talking about? I'm not selling any rig for 20k with 1080s
  13. No need to be c0cky my friend. You should know what the silicon lottery is.
  14. Back to the roots. I actually love dice. So relaxed to bench
  15. Great guide, Rauf
  16. Yea I also tried truncatememory and it didn't work
  17. I recently had some trouble getting maxmem to work in my Windows 10. If I set maxmem in msconfig to e.g. 4000 it always resulted in 1.5 GB after reboot. I tried several things and in the end I found that this is working: Run CMD as admin and use this command line: bcdedit /set removememory 27000 27000 will remove 27000 MB of the available memory. Using 32 GB you will have ~5.5 GB with this maxmem setting. Maybe you are all already aware of this but in case you had the same problem it might help you.
  18. Can you post your detailed settings? If I had problems with MSI, it usually helped to remove the BIOS battery, go back to the bios and apply all settings at once.
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