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Everything posted by Alpi

  1. Yes, up to 26. :P Depends on the board, not all of them could work with mobile P4's because of some unique feature. https://youtu.be/YF8kkKZqEBY
  2. Nice cpu ! Very high clocks on air. That cooler could moved You to the extreme league ! :)
  3. Wow that card, just seen ! :O One of my favourite vgas, looks like a Vasarely paint.
  4. Thx guys ! I hadn't expected such high points but i found a setup where narly 500 points boost could be seen (don't going to tell to You because it's a competition but could be the 1:1 mem divider. :DDD ). Strange bench, hard to tell what needed to higher points. Boards vrm couldn't stand any higher clocks because of huge drops, don't want to torture longer.
  5. Nice run, grats ! Insane Am2 spi scores could have seen nowadays !
  6. Inane work on this board ! 267mhz mem with tight subs are pretty much lead You to max out every chip You just want ! Very nice, very nice ! I'm curious of Your future work, keep pushing ! ;)
  7. Omg what clocks are those ?!?!? :O Insane vga ! And insane work, congrats !
  8. Wow ! That's nice, very nice ! Grats !
  9. Grats ! Sick numbers everywhere, job is perfectly done ! :)
  10. 235 is what two of my boards could reach. Both of them were blue slotted. My experiences are better with black ones so I have to join to Mr.Scott in this case. My best board could do 250 fsb out of box and a little more with vmod.
  11. Another fast test. That setup on W10. Crying and crying.... :DDDD Cpu clocks were 200+ mhz higher even... https://hwbot.org/submission/4204154_alpi_superpi___32m_with_benchmate_ryzen_5_3600_8min_45sec_207ms?recalculate=true
  12. NAh, to test the new bios, I did some spi32 runs. 7301 works flawless ! No more C5 just normal boot or hang. Os : W7 64, try to turn on, off smt, waza but I guess lucky run is what You need. Infrared's 8:17 is crazy clear run ! Can't go closer, always had some slower loops and Infra passes. Nice run, grats ! Simply can't hide You are genius ! ?
  13. Nice ! Such a legendary duo ! So good to see submissions like this. ;)
  14. Np ! Haven't got any mentionable stuff just wanted to do a submission for fun. I miss this competitions so much, unfortunatelly I haven't got too much oldschool stuff and what I have, those are from the latest "oldschool types".
  15. Omg ! That's a scaleing from a tccd !! :O Mines not showing much above 3.0 and starts to suffer at 3.2+.
  16. Nice... I had a feeling.. I think sdram not written on the competition page. I start to bench but had a feeling that skydec not use sdram because of fun... Moved to here and now I see. Now the mem freq stage has point I was wonder why it was choosed before.
  17. Yes, Mars is exactly a Gtx285 sli if we see the pure numbers while a "common" 295 is a pair of 275 nearly. You can't submit a 285 in the 275 group, something same here..
  18. Thx ! Around -40 but growing pretty fast. :) I had a very short period to save a valid file.
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