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Everything posted by Matsglobetrotter

  1. I would not forget the SLI/crossfire as indeed its easy and does not cost a fortune to get some older cards to have fun with. Just got some nice GTX 980Tis and hd 4870s just to play around with. considering its then possible to use such on the newer platforms its fun to see the scores that can be done.. i mean who would otherwise all the big guns keep playing with 3d3 on various older cards on new CPU's. single or multi gpus is then fun.
  2. nice one :-) meanwhile im playing with your old 980ti's they work like a charm :-) still learning all the details on how to use them
  3. Is there a way to use the OC panel with Z490 Maximus Xii Apex. I know the connectors are not directly compatible as is.
  4. yes good fun. first session here in Italy. found a supplier. though... expensive at 60Euro for 20kg.. got lots of cpus to play with so there will be more sessions :-)
  5. all good on scoring looks like it will be more worthwhile to bench. just to note. I think people do buy older hardware to bench if it is worth it for points. A lot cheaper to mess around on old hardware than new. especially with chances of it breaking when we do all tweaks including on hardware mods... I doubt many will want to mess up 2000 USD systems especially the guys on ambient with the current hardware maniac prices. Out of range for the young crowd. (except the egamer pro's)
  6. Am not sure what the new formulas would mean but would agree with most boint calculations that actually give some decent points for overclocks even on air. Thus points that recognize that people actually do overclock systems to spur them on to do more. I mean having 30 CPUs of various platforms and simply getting 10 boints in total among all because those we either not popular or where 5 individuals have LN results which are so far from what can be done by anyone in rookie, novice, enthusiast and even apprentice does not inspire people to actually start overclocking let alone staying with it. People also should be encouraged more to OC older hardware so that its not just the 3000 USD investments that count. Clearly the hobby will spread more if people can buy older hardware and get serious boint (not only as extreme player.) This especially with the last 2 years super explosion of prices of new hardware. I could buy it but simply consider its no longer relevant to feed the serious hardware overpricing that seems to be everywhere now. Considering the little amount of people who actually use the last 2 years hardware on the bot i can see that im not alone in this consideration.
  7. looks like Alder Lake is turning in to Splaves personal beach club with all the number one spots ?
  8. This was a team cup not the country cup but can see the issue, even more so in the country cup. Even in the olympics there are situations participants take part but dont represent a country so it could be that there could be an option to simply represent an international non affiliated entity. Meanwhile i for sure would not link teams with countries as such. I like my Team and there is no team in Sweden since years. Too bad i could not help my team this time due to my move.. The question is now should I be on country cup for Sweden, Italy. Im still a Swede but in Italy:-)
  9. Well some people like Masochism. But cudos to those who still try push the limits like that. Its tough but great to see anyone succeed on it.
  10. you are a busy man hehe keep going. soon ill have access to my hardware also hehe
  11. My suggestion would be to test any potential new introductions to fundamental changes in categories by organising one or more challenges specifically set up for such changes so the community can actually see what it does. If it turns out to have real value and gain interest then it can be discussed afterwards with more evidence base.
  12. I can take the GALAX ram if still available. will send PM
  13. I suggest admin accept comments as they are without blasting a user. it normally create better open discussion among the community. there are like/dislike buttons. Meanwhile I'm sure it was just a heated moment while trying to resolve something for the bigger community. Keep pushing forward i know the intent is good. Cant wait to finally get all my gear through customs to start benching... in a month...
  14. Great the user community give useless input. Thanks you very much... appreciate the comment.
  15. to me the changes proposed sounds like a Sponsor wanting to change the scoring to make them look better behind the scenes. core is core thread is thread. and if multicore is not competitive compared to old generation but it beat the crap out of a single core score then that is what it is. Very sad moment when we try change a fundamental basis of he scoring. Indeed no processors for with equal threads to cores has been competitive for years when they should have been. We want performance on both single core and multi core and multi thread. tough luck if the new processors cant do it right. I think that would reflect the reality of the trickery.
  16. OK have done what i can for now. Will relocate myself from Manila to Rome with my gear so no OC for atleast 2 months.
  17. please delete this one for challenger legacy missing subdetails https://hwbot.org/submission/4766061
  18. by DESIGN, development 10900k is 10 physical core CPU. not that hard to understand. Cores are cores, threads are threads and as per challenge rules you can only use the 10900k in the challenge DIV I round 2 not in the other divisions.
  19. https://community.hwbot.org/topic/201751-reporting-tool-need-a-change/
  20. Hi, I dont call anyone a cheat. No sure what auto generated message you get from Hwbot in the background. I reported the score as impossible score and mention that it was not 4K. Even i get such messages. I also insisted the possible cheat naming is removed from the bot *you can see in chat forum on this. We all reacted on this score as for the challenge competition we all chase the top scorer and yours became just that ? the moderators can delete this one and then you just resubmit. no harrm done. the 4K tickbox is not available at first. you need to register the advanced serial number in catzilla once you reboot the option will be available.
  21. The higher end CPUs like 10900k has a better memory overclocking capability compared to a 10600K. it also has a different level of cache. So HWbot follows the actual cores as per CPU design (without hyper threading considered) that is also how cpus would be compared in any review by just about any magazine. The rules makes perfect sense and have done so for years. Why not just start following the same. We all have to?. If you note yes on some we cant beat the guys with RTX3090 however even those guys in some of the stages use an older GTX 1080ti to get the highest scores.
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