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Everything posted by Massman

  1. I don't care about golden chips, I don't care about magic tweaks, I don't care about ego trips, I care about OC, ... freaks! Just wanted to say I'm having a blast overclocking this little GA-H55N-USB3 mainboard. I don't really care where I end up in the ranking or who is beating me with what hardware ... I'm just having fun overclocking for the sake of overclocking. Am I the only one?
  2. Testing + "soon"
  3. 2:10 and 2:12 works here.
  4. I know I am, but do not let that cloud your judgement of my scores
  5. No. You will not even be able to submit with screenshot only. You need a .hwbot file
  6. New benchmark coming soon. Points may come soon as well :-)
  7. By the way, this is how I mounted the cooler:
  8. I'm sorry 1Day Further ram tuning is pointless ... I will switch to single stage for more BCLK.
  9. To everyone who's faster than me: QUICK! All your settings are belong to me!
  10. First shot: http://hwbot.org/community/submission/1041354_massman_superpi_32m_core_i7_875k_8min_59sec_391ms
  11. You tricked me! My board has the F3 bios, not that fancy F5 bios you are working with.
  12. Yeah. The ES indicator is triggered by one read-only flag on the CPU. It's not something you change by adjusting the string in the BIOS microcode.
  13. Just got this tip straight from Dinos22 to make GIGABYTE mainboards run stable. Of course, I cannot keep this to myself since I want everyone to benefit from it! Here is the key: Especially the last bit of the sentence made my runs suddenly stable. Thanks Dino, you're the best! :celebration:
  14. Andre Yang is indeed working officially for ASUS now in the ROG department. JT Chen also works for ASUS as mainboard R&D / ROG internal overclocker. I guess we all agree that this probably is Andre (which wouldn't be allowed since his account was suspended), but of course there's very little we can do about it without proof
  15. I am ... just mounted the board for the very first time!
  16. Yes. There are two categories: extreme and non-extreme. #1 of extreme and #1 of non-extreme = each 1 ticket to MOA WW final + xpower #2 of extreme and #2 of non-extreme = each motherboard and vga
  17. What ranking? The overall ranking doesn't matter for the prizes?
  18. The screenshot (with validation link) is okay for normal rankings. You can just re-submit
  19. Yes! How do you mean? Note that with 3DMark01, you can change the run order for better scores. So, you can tweak your clocks/lod for every subtest seperatelly.
  20. You have to try the older drivers ... some will give you a 200FPS boost in CH
  21. You can whatever nationality you want; you can have whatever characteristic you want; heck, you can think any way you want. Just don't stoop to this level ... and have a little bit of respect of fellow members. That's just wrong.
  22. In both stages, it was mandatory to have core temp and afterburner in the screenshot. I've removed those that didn't have this (and would get a prize).
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