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Everything posted by ozzie

  1. that gives me a whole lot of confidence in the rules set by the mods alby, thanx ?
  2. i thought rules were made by the mods for any comp, if theres any discrepancy of them, theres usually a thread to discuss it beforhand of the comp, not after it if the rules are flawed for any reason then thats up to the mods to decide, and be changed accordingly, during or thru the comp, not the competitors that went into it after it , especially after the comp is done and finished if i am wrong please disregard my post ☺️
  3. both the silver and macsbeach were penalised for it, not following the rules set down macsbeach won out in the end coz he never gives up, and had the best subs and scores in the end of the comp , its that simple
  4. i would think superpatodonaldo they are pretty busy at the moment , i would suggest give them a bit of time, lets not forget , these people give their time and effort for free for us !!!
  5. when its ready i would expect , does it really matte to see your name there in 1- 2 -3.or t he the work you put into it to get there that is more satisfyingy ??, for me the latter, for you maybe different
  6. and this ...original
  7. lol how bout this for class and pure industry changing to get all what you got above to even get movin ???? and its live as well , not some other made up whatever
  8. why not ? you had plenty of time as everyone else did. why dont you just be quiet. you seem to have lot to say about nothing ive noticed in many threads, for many things, so unless you have the intention, how about zip it for a while ? really, like many on here youre more talk than action !!!
  9. i wasnt worried about the sales support side of it, i was trying to get someone on the side to build it for me out of work time , i was after someone close to me , but never found anyone remotely interested, and i never even tried on the cascade side of it, i knew from the single stage effort it'd be hopeless even trying
  10. well you want to try being in australia , ive been looking for years and still no fortune, ive seen some for sale here sure but the postage, then if something goes wrong ??? because theres no one here that does it it would be a dead unit, ive spoken to so called expert refrigeration guys here and they havent a clue, even sent them the diagrams to look at lol , you have far better than whats available here
  11. ozzie

    [SOLD] GTX480

    ^^^^ sell it i spose chris , like it seems it has been
  12. he deserved it too, good on ya pete, ?, all those cards later, even with the wrong background sub, just a miss coz you were doing challenger as well, easy to miss, only human , we all make mistakes and usually at the wrong time lol, good stuff, you earnt it !!!!!!
  13. yep, youre in the middle alright ?
  14. rules are rules........end of story !!!!
  15. anger ??? no anger from me, i was speaking about the "rules" nothing more, seems you have the meaning of anger and rules confused ?
  16. it is not up to macsbeach98 , or any other competitor to link rules , moderators set the rules, not the competitors that have to "link " them to anything unless they wish to for their reasons , all competitors have to is this ...: follow the rules made " by the moderators !!!!! my position as i see it on this or any other comp is this, theres 3 ways to deal with it either speak your concerns in the thread usually created prior about the comp for what ever section you wish to go in abide by the rules set by BOTs mods for what ever the comp / section or dont bother competing in it its quite simple to me ?!!!!
  17. my opinion is this, ...., like it or not i dont care, if it is not validated properly and gets subbed its either bugged or been cheated some how , and i can give you a prime example of that with one of my subs yrs ago when i first started, but it got validated on cpuz, i knew it wasnt right, impossible score to get on air for a start, and with basic crucial ram , i messaged cpuz and got no reply, it took forever for that to be rejected, , , all i did at the time was move the mouse back and forth and noticed the speed increase so high , tried it and it validated, but it stands 10th now on 5445 mhz (real) http://valid.x86.fr/hv3zmk http://valid.x86.fr/top-cpu/414d4420465828746d292d3431333020517561642d436f72652050726f636573736f72
  18. how about eveyone that HASNT sandbagged , put their hands up, ??? if you got a good score and the aim is to win or claim a better position in a comp at the last time you can if you can........ and it is "NOT"... against the rules , been goin on for years !!!!!and not likely to change anytime soon how many have ' nt ?.... lets see ??? ................any takers ?
  19. LOD @ co.... no alteration ....was the rules from original yes ? seems to me looking at this it has been, but im no expert , would this be looked into please ? https://www.3dmark.com/3dm/36551674 Benchmark tessellation load modified by AMD Catalyst driver, result invalid. Check your video driver settings. (What is this?)
  20. nice nox, damn good ram too, cant do it with out it
  21. marco , i really had a laugh at this, no disrespect, this type of person doesnt care about negotiating, or mediation, they do it for a reason, and that is to "decieve" people, and this obviously isnt the first time its happened, and as far as google translate goes, lol, well good luck there, that doesnt or wont change people like this and the mind set they have to " do the right thing "
  22. whats SOLD and what isnt please ???
  23. lol , well you can be in charge of that, ill just drink it ?
  24. thx for the invite zero, but honestly mate , SA beer??? ,, mate, its like used washin up dish water , i love the place, city of churches, and beautiful churches, beautiful city, been there many times, west end beer .spew....?
  25. really ? with normal ambient they do 4200 12-11-11 whats ambient mean mate whether be cpu or ram ???
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