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Everything posted by ozzie

  1. yes i remember this last year, a couple of members had a head to head of what was what, and the end result was ?? nothing, my choice would be a full disclosure, stickers, models, model numbers, BUT doesnt mean they cant, or wont take a sticker off and put it on another of something very similar does it, but, then have the mods running around trying to find out if its legit or not
  2. dont forget strunk, if there was no mods there would be no bot, you guys do a hard job, he wants this ,he wants that, if everyone stuck to the rules made and didnt try to fudge things . all would be fine wouldnt it, so dont pull out coz of some dickheads, if you find them fudging, just ban em, simple, the only way to keep real is be real, 1 rule for all, obey, or suffer the consequences from it
  3. damn, sorry again alby, ill fix it up today mate, apologise for the hassle link in and fixed up alby, thx , sorry for stuffing you around mate ?
  4. 280 is tahiti, not hawaii, 285 is tonga, 290 is hawaii, ,
  5. thought you'd get a giggle from that ants ?
  6. a suggestion, theres many different countries and native languages in bot teams and members, some are better with english than others, if they want to type in a different language why cant they do this, type their post, then translate it in english for eg like i just did with aemate translator, keeps everyone happy or am i missing the point. why the hell cant i get 6 gig from my cpu on air ......(yeah right, lol) Transliteration pochemu, chert voz'mi, ya ne mogu poluchit' 6 gigov ot moyego protsessora v efire
  7. i got the exact same translation with my translator ae mate translator i use griffy In order to avoid such problems in the future, it is necessary to create discussions of problematic situations before DELETE. We would have discussed it in a calm atmosphere and decided what to do. And since it was done just caused a wave of anger.
  8. ^^^ you blind or what ??? By popular demand do you agree we allow a single Xeon Socket 771 CPU for stage 7 and 8 Either via S771 to S775 adaptor or on a S771 motherboard. Simply vote yes or no. when has there been there ever been a dual socket allowed unless its been stated otherwise ????? stop pushing your own buttons buttons
  9. ok, thx, i think itll be better for you and every one interested ?
  10. do it as you wish, and no offence meant, ? some of us just arent as computer parts savvy as you obviously are by looking at something and know what its for , all im meaning, some of those names i dont have a clue, then you have to c&p the name youve given then go look on google or where ever to see what it is, personally i think it should be listed as what it is when its put up for sale, , no ram pics, to see , voltages, latencies, heatsinks or not etc , i know it would be hard to list all your stuff for sale , then i think it should be listed as it should be, look at michaels things he puts up (websmile), and ive bought off him a few times, everything is there to see and read is all im meaning
  11. possible for some names, models or whatever of whats what to the pics please, or is that too hard ??
  12. why not, im for it, i think not only will it make it more interesting and fun (which what overclocking is supposed to be all about), itll make people think more, open more discussions, learn more, coz itll closen then scores up as well, same as some of the cpus we already use for it are, some exons can be screamers as well as good at the computation side of it, harder for the mods checking things but a close comp is a good comp
  13. not as much tho as round 1 hurt hellas , i didnt have go in it this yr, just didnt have the hardware for it
  14. ^^^^^, yes, ridiculous postage
  15. no13 for me please ?
  16. you have pm ?
  17. ? @ acm_fan oh now its the weather thats the problem, suck it up mate, 30c, if he started it because of the weather and it was that hot he shouldnt of started it then should he ? if thats your lame excuse, 30c is a nice spring day temp here, summer is high 30's and into the mid to high 40c and we still bench ok, you just gotta know what youre doin with it, obviously you n him dont , he stuffed up, kept on with the bullshit, drop it, he was wrong and so are you !!!!
  18. guess what W9 is doin this year for the teams cup ??, sneak preview
  19. thats fair alby, if it was released prior to the comp it wouldve been allowed , so jmboy , youre guna have to wait 1 more year ?
  20. 8086K isnt a ES tho is it, its a retail cpu, so your point is mute, what reasons they didnt allow it i dont know and i dont care, thats up to bot to allow or disallow what they chose too
  21. makes me laugh, people trying to push the boundaries, theres never been ES sample allowed in the comps here for anything ever, but yas keep on tryin for it...forget it , it aint happening i got a couple of ES cpus, and they go like dogs, the same series cpus in the retail smashes em, dunno what all the fuss is with ES is all about
  22. so you know the loophole already but youre gunna allow it...right or not ??
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