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Everything posted by ozzie

  1. all of BOT is all over the place like a dogs breakfast, do NOT expect anything to be right until its fixed properly, and then there will still be bugs in it to eliminiante, as far as im concerned all competitions should be put on suspension, explained the rules of hich and what they are, wallpapers, everything done right for once, until it is fixed properly, way less hassle for all concerned, how the hell can you expect to run a competiton/s when BOT itself isnt even running properly, or is that just too much common sense ???, im not trying to have a go boys but this is bloody ridiculous, all youre doing is creating more dramas for yourselves and everyone else with it !!!!
  2. all sections should have their own allocation to points for the ranking in that section theyre in from air to ln2, you beat whos in front of you or you beat someone in front of you then you take the points and move up the ladder in your league, or is that to simple, instead you have to compete against others in higher leagues with the same hardware but have no hope in coming near them at all.now you tell me how is this fair, for christs sakes, extract the digit and make each league its own league for points for subs and comps, stupid things have been created here for no gain for many and really for no reason when it could be all so more simple is my opinion, i dont know a lot about it all but i have a lot of common sense and common sense will beat anyone that thinks theyre smart any day of the week heres another thing i suggested yrs ago, to keep bot up and going and alive but no reply, each member pays $5, even $10 a year into a (secure) transparent fund to run bot, i think $10 a year is pittance for each member for what bot does for all members, normal subs, comps, etc, then maybe the hard workers that give their time freely all the time can be paid, in which they deserve to be too, s.h.i.t. has gone down in this site but not like this thats happened of late, it cant keep going on like it has been for this site to keep viable proposition, sponsors gone, (for reasons you know of ) not a good scene at all for bot or for all the sponsors that were, whether some left bot because of a push from a certain situation or not is not the issue now, thats done, that is past , its time to look to the future , you cant bring back the past, but you can plan and do for the future !!!! ill be the first to put my 10 bucks in .......whos gunna be with me ????
  3. you have pm
  4. listen mate , dont try put the blame on me, for bots stuff ups, and i got more important things to do than even contemplate to try entertain you for 2018 as you put it, its about time you blokes in bot got it right for once and stop making piss weak decisions and excuses for your stuff ups on a continual basis, there is OC drama yes, thats part an partial of OCing, but BOTS decisions or shall i say, the lack there of has also been a big contributor of those OCing dramas, or what ??, ill say what i reckon the problems are and im not tryin to have a go here but jesus, its year after year and the same old thing each year every year its all just "chucked together" then someone comes up with a ahhh that'll fix it we'll do that, then that leads to another that'll fix it scenario and so on its been going, look i understand its a hard job to do, i get that, but surely after all these years there has to be some sort of solid format to follow, and that just doesnt seem the case in the past few yrs to be followed, there's always something that pops up and stuffing up and not allowing things to run smooth like it should be, no background, then a background, scores not right, computations not right, cant submit on bot, scores and points dont come up for days on end, and on it goes, ask anyone with the balls to say so, im not scared to say so and i just have !!!! and bot is down now lol Traffic jam! The HWBOT engine is currently overloaded.Error 504 We are experiencing too high load. Check back shortly!
  5. this for michael ^^^^
  6. people make mistakes hahahaha, yes they do, how many times tho does the same mistakes have to be made year after year and still not get it right, ???? let alone all the other same mistakes along with it ?????... get bloody real george for christs sakes !!!!!
  7. honestly, this place is being run more stupid by the day, since when has there been no background for any comp ? challenger or not, then the decision comes up theres no background for any challenger division, then people sub, those subs are legitimate and should be reinstated because of the RULES, 4 days ago, id like to know who made that stupid decision, but well never know will we, too embarrassing to say, they way its goin people dont know who is arthur and who is martha in comps with whatever rule, mandatory or not, seriously, this is ridiculous , you guys need to have a serious sit down and thrash things out and get it straight ....."for once"
  8. you had a master at his job here for years in michael (websmile) so whats happened ?? be open , be truthful and say ?? havent you got the balls to do so for all the others on here that have put all their balls, hardware, money into in your bot??
  9. are you dicks completely satisifed now you have fu.c..ked it..up bot some how, thinking you know how to fix it, ? clap clap, well done boys and im putting this to you richbastard, you hold it .?? you havent a clue mate !!you got the reins now mate, fix it
  10. bot just doesnt know the damage its done as yet, but beleive it, itll show its ugly head, honestly you guys are seriously out of touch , and when it comes youre gunna say....what happened, ill tell ya whats happened, you caused it and you dont even know what youve caused is the saddest thing about it all
  11. all the best mate, you deserve it michael
  12. damn shame michael, youll be sorely missed mate thats for sure, and thx for all you help and hard work over the past years
  13. looks good, why not ??
  14. who knows ? it'll be probably changed in the next days ahead ,..... but its fine by me !!!!
  15. youve had enough trouble already havent you, and you want more ??? have no background for the comp div's and see what trouble youll have to deal with, honestly boys, honestly, this is getting more ridiculous by the day with all the hap hazard decisions being made , might as well make rev 8 now and try that one i would think at "least" your "team background" should be a mandatory
  16. well in my experience and i dont know much, i think it answers itself
  17. your reply does not take away your original statement, and my reply to it and was, 939 is ddr1, and to add trying binning 939 with any other ram or cpu in it LOL ?????????
  18. no it hasnt
  19. it is ddr1 platform, ,...ndom-access memory (DDR SDRAM) is a class of memory integrated circuits used in computers. DDR SDRAM, also called DDR1 SDRAM you tell me and all the forum here what other memory can be used in socket 939???? , i'm l waiting with baited breath ??? good ram is essential to any good overclock, no matter what platform or what ever cooling, if you havent got it you just wont get it ive had my ddr/ddr1 lol, to 3.9v no issues, ive killed some in the process to, thats just part an partial for overclocking , ive never had any better than teamextreem ram tho http://hwbot.org/submission/3258794_ozzie_memory_frequency_ddr_sd_ram_420.5_mhz/
  20. im not talking about points mate, you brought that side of it into it from what i said, im talking about the expense if you kill hardware from pushing to hard trying to get that extra out of it and not knowing the limits and also when not to go that little bit harder, especially if youve got a good cpu, gpu, ram etc, try find another that does the same or better ?? you could be looking and spending for a long time is what my point was !!!!
  21. overclocking is expensive no matter what platform you choose to use, the difference is this, know your limits, most important, because there isnt an overclocker in this world that hasnt pushed past his / her capability limit and killed hardware, and the hardware limits before you do it, then you have a fair chance of keeping hardware to work again for the next time
  22. i give up, all the best with it !!
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