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Everything posted by ozzie

  1. works fine here on my daily. just tried it out at stock...where is a preview option on here b4 you post , jesus, ,make it simple to use then you get simple back, ? pretty bloody simple isnt it??
  2. oh really ?? well the next time you open your trap in any other thread about something that isnt directly "on topic" make sure you remember what you said here /////right ????
  3. yes they have no responsibility on the transaction itself , i feel they do have a responsibility of duty of care to their members with dodgy sellers they've allowed into their hwbot market place and if they are seeing or get complaints of these dodgy sellers in any thread they should be investigated in the proper manner then if necessary banned from selling and if not bot itself for being total arswipes
  4. might wanna include 1 rule for all and not another for the selected as well
  5. sorry guys, didnt mean to disrupt the thread but i wont stand for some dick to come in when someone asks a legitimate question then gets a smart arsed answer for no reason , hes known for it, why the hell he dont grow up and become a man is beyond me, you can say why arent i a man to ignore it, and ill tell ya, coz too many of the "so called" men ignore everything in life to suit themselves, but they got no balls to do or say anything about any of it !!!!!!
  6. changed it just to piss you off, and it did , grow up boy, youve met your match with me if you wanna sling it ? !!! are you quite happy now disrupting a thread for no reason ? , yes i had part in it, but wont apologise for my part either , is that all you do just do stupid posts for no reason ?, what a boring life you have you dickhead
  7. dont feel bad mate, it isnt in your blood, why should i do that for ozzland when dicks like you are there no ill do a 721+ and youll be the bitch, just like you are now , now stop bothering me, an old bloke has got to have his dins early ,and go to bed, dont worry son, its gunna get you too, sooner or later, youre not exempt from this, its a matter of time , time and tide waits for no man !!!!! ?
  8. mate, be realistic, and fair dinkum with yourself , your millennial team exists in the end of your cock , as soon as its created its gone ?
  9. yep well with dopes like you working for a company that sits on work pc's posting shit for no reason just trolling, no wonder they go broke, tell me who you work for , ill message him, then see how good you go ??
  10. youve already made it official mate...youre a troll, nothin more, and not good at it !!! dont leave the day job tryin to be a comedian, youll fail as you have done
  11. ill tell ya why newcomers dont stick around mate, quite simple, ...coz of dicks like you, dont ever forget mate, you were a new comer to this and everything else, who wasnt ????, but you think youre all so god almighty now youve climbed the ladder, somewhat, you got a long way to go boy b4 you even get near the top with your attitude !!!!
  12. a tip, if youre gunna get them made have the tangs rounded off nicely like the middle ones are shown to be, quite often a rounded edge will fit where a square edge like show will hit something, it just gives that little bit more fitting room, looks nicer too ?
  13. how bout this then fred ? have a few coldies with micahel and a good yak about it, after all hes been here for years and knows what benches work for whatever and what doesnt and been the comps mod for years, seems a good idea to me
  14. we all get that " benched out feeling" at times, no matter what league youre in, if it were me that was sponsored id contact the sponsor and say , mate um benched out for a while, i need some space time, depending on your relationship with the sponsor youre with is whether theyre prepared to give you that space to recoup, and for mine, if they dont, then theyre not worth having the sponsorship, people arent machines, they dont need feeding, they dont have family and life issues etc etc, some think they are but it soon catches them up and the mind and body soon fixes that up and puts it all back into perspective quick smart
  15. i havent voted yet coz i think it may be 3, not 2 to have from what ive read , so im hanging off, my vote would mean jack all anyway
  16. well i would suggest this speed ^^^ , if extreme can beat elite then that elite doesnt have the right elite hardware or they are'nt as good as as an elite as they think, or the extreme has the hardware the elite should've got but didnt , or hes and extremely elite overclocker that maybe should think moving from extreme and going to elite ?
  17. simple suzuki, because sponsored get the best of the best binned hardware/s being boards, cpus, ram, gpus, pots etc, given to them by the sponsor, manufacturer, what ever you want to call them, now how is the general bencher going to beat that from a retail outlet they buy from??, answer is they dont and wont !!!
  18. chill down ? im not even overheated, i wasnt offensive at all, ive stated how i feel what i think about it, thats what was asked, and people have put their opinions up as i did,
  19. stop the pestering questions you give just about every one on the for sale thread chris, youre all over anything and everything, if youre not gunna buy then forget it
  20. to me, sponsored go in their own, different altogehter ln2, dice, ss, phase change go to extreme, air and ambient water stay on their own chilled water, im hung on that, not sure whats fair to all on chilled or ice water where it should go, like what i use the best ive ever got is -5c no load, that soon goes to +15-20c +under load depending on the bench and volts, especially with an ambient of around 12 c outside , 18 inside in winter, 30c + in summer, so my system wont compare to those in colder countries where the ambient outside is - 3-5 or whatever, and they put something out the window , radiator, hoses , whatever, so where does it end , the cooling thing is a big issue, but "cant" be proven lets not forget where "WE' all started in this game, air, then water then chilled or dice then ln2, so scrapping the lesser over the latter i think is a big mistake, never forget your origins , money has to be considered for people, what they can and cant afford i know this , you just cant have sponsored and other, whats the other ??? LN2, SS, DICE, PHASE, AIR , WATER, CHILLED WATER and everything else thrown into it 1??? if it is hows that gunna work, it wont, the lesser of the cooling benchers might as well go light a fire and throw all theyve got on it with their time money and effort as well for dessert this change youre thinking about has to be very well thought out before implemented coz if you dont and it isnt, youll have a big shitfight in here, by many. ill guarantee you that
  21. hey fred funny isnt it, takes you to ban me from posting to reply to me for the same question asked from the start, im going to tell you this now fred, i dont take lightly to foolish comments or actions from anyone, and i dont say what i say for pure internet amusement , i say what i say as the past has been a disaster in many ways, you and i and all others know that too, but weve stuck with you with it, rev 7 and its faults are becoz of your fault and what you were left but you programmed it , and im being blunt here ,no need for 8, but you couldnt fix it, as things are, go back to basics mate, i dont wanna get into it with you on here, i reckon pm is the best go...agreeable ??, my reasons are simple really ....have some ideas..up to you cheers shane
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