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Everything posted by TerraRaptor

  1. Global gold in most popular old school benchmark deserves respect. Great one Bullant!
  2. Not really, setup is almost the same used for 6800gt agp, just a different card. Will make photos on re-run, need to improve in 01/05/06
  3. Quite rare event new intel cpus won't brake 32m WR on launch. I was hoping for 10-20s improvement taking into account better IPC. Great score Allen!
  4. Yep. Capmod and disabled vdroop (vdroop pin lifted and connected to ground). Vrm is hot as hell with aircooling but going ss cooling for cpu makes vrm much cooler and i can pass x3 loops of 06 cpu test without issues. Cpu is good too. So far, board has vcore mod with fixed resistor (+0.2v), vdimm mod (+0.2v), cap mod, vdroop mod, gtl mod, external dc/dc for nb/sb.
  5. It isn't bottlenecking even @235 1:1 3-3-2-7/9. In order of priority, I would blame RAM (if 1:1), CPU, AGP, IDE (with adaptor), clockgen and then NB itself. Most limits can be checked with 2:3 (IDE/AGP), 4:3 (CPU) and 133:133 (RAM) straps.
  6. Nice one TAGG. I also met a lot of problems trying to push my e6400 the way I was expecting it should easily do but board (or CPU?) destroyed my expectations that time. Hope you get gold soon!
  7. I was testing it briefly, 650 shouldn't be a limit. Though, compared to my main board, this REX doesn't go as tight on PL and also clocks chA badly (stable limit is just over 1000 with different mems).
  8. Like if hwbot belongs to Kazakhstan , hehe
  9. Good one, Anton! The more boards we get over 400mhz dram the less value DFI has:)
  10. In most cases it is just clock wall. I.e. limit will be approximately the same - 98.2x56, 100x55, 103.78x53 We tried Zombie568's 2500K @LN2 and got no improvement over SS either with wider range of temps.
  11. Yep, happens all the time. Even good enough scores are not being saved - you hope to make better run and then fail to get it stable. I miss a lot of scores with 3570k, 3770k, 4770k, 4790k because of that.
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