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Everything posted by TerraRaptor

  1. right, not the best one - wasn't able to quickly boot 540x7. Batch L734A770, Malay
  2. it exists in x48 ddr3 too. 2:3 strap 400 is displayed as 3:5 too. It is common CPUZ bug I believe for all P45/X48 boards (and I assume X38/P35).
  3. Good score. Keep the card (though 1.8v shouldn't kill it if temperatures are ok).
  4. Any special reason to keep 5 cores? GJ!
  5. I'm in this time. Thanks mllrkllr88
  6. Cheap dc/dc converters rule nowadays (i believe these were not easily obtainable those days - so ocz booster or one from hipro5 were things to consider), so I don't even have a tiny will to own ocz booster:) it will make mount of ss more difficult too.
  7. Good score. Another reminder AMD was doing great at prescott days.
  8. That is the stick that awaits shipping to you with that s940 board;)
  9. Can't use early catalyst for newer cards anyway - looks like 3850 first appearance was in cat 8.6 and 4670 in cat 9.6:)
  10. I was expecting the last two registers (like 16 18 or 26 18) to be drive strengths for receiver/transmitter aka cpu side and NB side. I have killed two cpus when experimenting with that part of SIP, though should re-validate it by killing another cpu setting it FF FF.
  11. I tried several ones from your server - quite same bus limit of 250-255 for cpu confirmed to run 275 bus 1m aircooled. And the higher the bus the more likely usb will drop (os still works). I tried agp 4x, disabling FW and SBA - no go. AGP clock doesn't matter too. Seems like excessive bus load by 3850, probably need to try agp drive strength in powerstrip as Antinomy suggests.
  12. My 3850, 2 pcs, also dead - this one works epowered though. Smth is wrong with GPU vrm on both cards. I also did 23800 with 4650 Ddr2, CL and CH were much better (310/110) and couldn't match those numbers with 3850 yet (driver selection seems to be important to avoid strange stutters). Will reinstall windows and retry (3dmark03 BSODs with even 2-3% bus overclock in GT2 and GT4 - I expect it to be weird driver issue). EDIT: one needs a so called CSA-patch for catalyst 7.8-10.xx when cpu without SSE2 is being used and cpu frequency exceeds 1900Mhz - otherwise BSODs of 0x0000008E will happen in certain 3D (like Battle for Proxycon). Should be installed in OS safe mode, after every driver update. csapatch-1.0.1.zip
  13. Waaagh! Но потом:) Good to see you benching cold! Go-go-go!
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