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Everything posted by TerraRaptor

  1. What is this ram capable of with air cooling?
  2. Guess he want to know serial # from the sticker on PCI slot not NB batch #
  3. Very nice cpu if it really needs 1.216v for 4ghz
  4. Don't remember really - was surprised that bbse was easier for x48 to push with same PL/CL. Here is my recent score with cold single-sided bbse, random sticks - https://hwbot.org/submission/4291816_terraraptor_superpi___32m_core_2_duo_e8200_9min_56sec_781ms It was capable of 5-8-5 yet no chance to complete 32M, may be the board limit. Haven't yet tried with dual-sided bbse, should cut 3-4 seconds (that will make bbse only 5-7sec behind my best run with hypers).
  5. I have psc that is capable 8-12-8 2700 ambient but could make any decent results with it on lga775, cold or not. The only ic that was my favourite except hypers/d9 is bbse - at least I was able to get them stable 100-120 mhz higher than hypers several years ago (2000 with hypers vs 2133 with bbse).
  6. I'm not crazy to pay that much:)
  7. Still wanted.
  8. Try AMD PSCheck - best and lightest software for that (yet requires some time to understand the way it works).
  9. Oh man, that is strong. Was it stable though to make backups or boot only? If you make another attempt, try lowering CL together with PL (so if you have CL6/PL6 strap 266, then try CL5/PL5 strap 200/266). Great result bro!
  10. Atthached is archive with his achivements, thanks to Antinomy who shared it with me last year. May be of interest for you. No description what these bioses are from me. "Bios explorer" is also there. 8RDA_series.zip
  11. It was me, c2d, cpuz and ArtMoney years ago:D
  12. I would like to know who are "authorities" as of now - result moderators, forum moderators. A link on front page "Our team" will be great.
  13. Ucode magic. People were pushing those G470 for years while CPU performing x1.5 faster was here all the time.
  14. Uh:) never had a talent to tell the OS by screenshot:) thanks for answer. I should probably try different win7 builds - seems parallel pi is more about os rather than hardware in my tests - no gain from memory tweaking at all.
  15. Highly likely. In Russian internet there was bios modder FatumNNM who claimed to build custom bios for 8rda that was stable over 280mhz with hynix ram.
  16. I think older cpuz versions are fine with legacy. Another thing is that >1.91 cpuz requirement is issued to avoid known problem with seasonal ranking. Not an issue here.
  17. Very efficient I must say. Just for info, is it just an OS selection or a special tweak for Parallel Pi?
  18. hi. What opencl driver did yoг use? What catalyst version is that?
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