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Everything posted by TerraRaptor

  1. I think you need to click "show details" for subtests.
  2. 1. It is not part of the benchmark. 2. Going from SP1 to SP2 will make hundreds of different DLLs change their version. I can include proper file into os installation .iso - so it becomes not a tweak but a good OS selection. 3. Going from one driver to another replaces tens of DLLs
  3. https://www.amazon.co.uk/Connectland-1504002-Heatsink-Cooling-Motherboard/dp/B004HO5D98 So far, with good airflow, mobo is happy even with 1.84vnb (below 40C in bios) @640mhz. However I polished this cooler a bit.
  4. It won't be 4 times faster, it will launch 4 copies of 32m in parallel, 1 for each cpu core. Make sure you have enough disk space in hyperpi folder location - i would estimate it as 300-400 mb for each thread, so free space should be 1200-1600 mb.
  5. HyperPi, shorter variants like 8m/16m are rather good if you have anough threads
  6. Fake clock in cpuz, it is strap 400 2:3 being detected like this. For me, it is more about cpu/nb skews (>600 should be smth like 300/0, >625 300/100, >640 400/100) and gtl settings. This one was binned out of 4 samples, 3 are consistent @625mhz, 1 is failing even at 600.
  7. Actually s266 2:3 direct boot @643 was doable before repair (SB swap) - I think I should just try different cpu, this one had issues starting from 625mhz on core0 and it is hard to tell cpu limit from potential issues with the board.
  8. 2:3 posts but freezes after usb init, 5:8 works but requires 7-7-6. I will re-run with another cpu and fresh windows installation, hopefully will make runs with both a.m. dividers.
  9. I have a nice collection for pre-nehalem era of Asus boards (although no REX x48). Here is the link posted at vlab.su - https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B-NAgz5wvIdJV2NrbHJvQUZqbkU/view For other brands, you have to search and usually these are "pay to access" resources. There are some boardview files available for MSI, Gigabyte, modern Asus. Important note - viewing software may be different. Sometimes these are not as comfortable and easy as the above - Asus TSICT etc are pain in the ass to use.
  10. Haven't checked that. Seems like board will trigger protection if external vrm is being sensed. PS. Attached is A7N8X-E boardview file and boardview software - should be easy to understand. BoardViewer A7N8X-E.rar
  11. I'm quite sure we get sub-4m with this generation
  12. I think another option to go below -200C is to use sealed ln2 container that is fed ln2 through capillary tube and vacuum this container by pump - to achieve lower boiling point with pressure drop. Z.O.T. guys did smth like that 10 years ago.
  13. Great avalanche of s478 wprime lately. Please make a single score with any of your cpus within a clock limit of average air cooling so I can have a reference score to compare efficiency then.
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