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Everything posted by TerraRaptor

  1. Buy 100$/month subscription from TaPaKaH to gain access to any offer 10 minutes before others.
  2. Thanks, was the hardest one through this bench session. No idea why pifast turned out to be more stable than 1m this time.
  3. Great review, also waiting one piece. Do you have a chance to measure ripple at high load (i.e. 1.8v 20A)?
  4. Я заказывал "пальцем в небо" с ALI, с зеленым проводом, достаточно точно показывают. Конкретно эта, кажется, из комплекта к какому-то термометру fluke. No, the only sempron I have. It did 485 bclk on SS with this ddr2 setup, but I wasn't able to go over 355mhz on C5F with it.
  5. Yes, no go. Same limit with m2n32 before (I thought it was motherboard limiting me).
  6. Правильно указать объем надо - 16348, а не 16384.
  7. 32m alone is not really telling on stability. The tighter you go, more surprises you get - and sometimes you need to go back and revalidate stability of previously adjusted timing you thought is stable as the timing you are adjusting now is affecting in as co-dependence. I was using multithreaded tests (hyperpi, hci memtest) as it gives better idea of stability.
  8. Make it validate 300mhz it it will go quickly:)
  9. Intel SkullTrail was another option for 2008 dream machine:)
  10. Vdimm and Vtt difference should be no more than 0.4-0.5v as far as I know - higher difference will kill cpu. I heard of people pushing 2.0v into RAM without bad consequences following that rule. I'm talking of nehalem - no such issue with 775.
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