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Everything posted by TerraRaptor

  1. It won't be 4 times faster, it will launch 4 copies of 32m in parallel, 1 for each cpu core. Make sure you have enough disk space in hyperpi folder location - i would estimate it as 300-400 mb for each thread, so free space should be 1200-1600 mb.
  2. HyperPi, shorter variants like 8m/16m are rather good if you have anough threads
  3. Fake clock in cpuz, it is strap 400 2:3 being detected like this. For me, it is more about cpu/nb skews (>600 should be smth like 300/0, >625 300/100, >640 400/100) and gtl settings. This one was binned out of 4 samples, 3 are consistent @625mhz, 1 is failing even at 600.
  4. Actually s266 2:3 direct boot @643 was doable before repair (SB swap) - I think I should just try different cpu, this one had issues starting from 625mhz on core0 and it is hard to tell cpu limit from potential issues with the board.
  5. 2:3 posts but freezes after usb init, 5:8 works but requires 7-7-6. I will re-run with another cpu and fresh windows installation, hopefully will make runs with both a.m. dividers.
  6. I have a nice collection for pre-nehalem era of Asus boards (although no REX x48). Here is the link posted at vlab.su - https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B-NAgz5wvIdJV2NrbHJvQUZqbkU/view For other brands, you have to search and usually these are "pay to access" resources. There are some boardview files available for MSI, Gigabyte, modern Asus. Important note - viewing software may be different. Sometimes these are not as comfortable and easy as the above - Asus TSICT etc are pain in the ass to use.
  7. Haven't checked that. Seems like board will trigger protection if external vrm is being sensed. PS. Attached is A7N8X-E boardview file and boardview software - should be easy to understand. BoardViewer A7N8X-E.rar
  8. I think another option to go below -200C is to use sealed ln2 container that is fed ln2 through capillary tube and vacuum this container by pump - to achieve lower boiling point with pressure drop. Z.O.T. guys did smth like that 10 years ago.
  9. Great avalanche of s478 wprime lately. Please make a single score with any of your cpus within a clock limit of average air cooling so I can have a reference score to compare efficiency then.
  10. In the hottest days of last summer, when I run both single stage units and something hot, I had easy +40C in the room even with ventilation:) So discomfort is not an argument:)
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