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Everything posted by Noxinite

  1. You could try fiddling with the VCCIN volts as some CPUs like lower/higher VCCIN and that then allows you to lower the CPU volts (I have a G3258 that hates anything above 2.04v for VCCIN). Both of my Haswell CPUs (G3258 + 4670K) required ~1.35V to do 4.5GHz benchstable (XTU/cinebench), which is pretty average/on the low side. And for cache the G3258 required ~1.25 for 4.1GHz and did 4GHz @1.2v. I doubt it's the iGPU if you aren't trying to OC it as well. What motherboard are you using?
  2. HW points slope looks much better. DDR2 mem frequency for under-rewarded?
  3. Changing the slope of the points based on position makes sense more for HW pts than Global pts to me. But otherwise the current points system seems to work - not perfectly, but it works. (If anything I would say there are too many global points for some benchmarks *shrugs*. But I prefer hardware points, so...)
  4. I agree, but there are certain problems at the moment with "ambient" competitions that means that the rules need to be rethought. However, to circumvent this problem there could be more fixed CPU speed efficiency competitions.
  5. Bring the cache speed up and tighten your tertiary timings for a nice boost in performance!
  6. Nice man! Here's our current thread on progress: http://www.overclock.net/t/1581259/novice-nimble-6-keep-on-pushing/0_30
  7. Another good point. I love 2D, but I have dabbled in 3D and I hold the majority of scores in new(ish) benches on r9 270x. It would be nice to have more competition (and hw points) by grouping the rebrands in too.
  8. Hmm, actually separating it so we have both the top 2D and 3D scores on the front page and in the weekly updates doesn't sound half bad.
  9. Is it possible to run these settings? (http://i.imgur.com/PHK39SQ.png ) Thanks
  10. And the score is calculated in the first few seconds.
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