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Everything posted by GtiJason

  1. XP Efficiency looks good, GJ Luumi, KPC and EVGA !
  2. If you really can't find one locally/cheap shipping I'd sell you mine, basically new but thermal pad cut to fit 1151 backplate Ship from US to RO is Very Expensive tho https://imgur.com/a/cV3nlll
  3. Yep, enjoying the live feed. Good job !
  4. Rules also state Score: The score is the frequency displayed next to the processor frequency under “Processor (CPU)” on the validation page Verification screenshot requirements: No screenshot is required So only real reason for screenshot is for addition check for comp
  5. Good stuff ! Strange issues are the most frustrating
  6. Really, so no XOC bios for KBL-X publicly available and no word on XP support ? The error you were getting "the bios in this system is not fully acpi compliant" when trying to boot your XP ssd's/hdd's is very common and is likely caused by such a drastic change of hardware between the install platform and the EVGA X299 platform, memory especially. I put this text doc together outlining some of these issues. The Dark does have an asmedia sata controller that should be legacy OS compliant so installing XP SHOULD be possible. It is also important to note that you must be using the proper sata port that corresponds to this controller sabishito.txt
  7. I downloaded this yesterday in case it gets lost or if I can someday afford x299 It seems to be fine but I had to use newer 7zip https://xdevs.com/doc/_PC_HW/EVGA/E299/bios/XOC_BIOS_103.zip right click on zipped folder (XOC_BIOS_103.zip) cursor down to 7zip cursor to open archive window pops up, enter password password is: E299_DARK 7zip opens, click on blue line at top left saying EXTRACT if file was in downloads folder the unzipped file will appear there as well Here is my download / above is direct link to original XOC_BIOS_103.zip
  8. Nevermind, turns out pcie is just fine on MOCF. Problem seems to be my board and pcie_1 Sorry for adding to confusion but pcie patcher is NOT needed on MOCF
  9. Is updated IGPU vBIOS the same as pcie patching ? "pcie_patcher.cmd biosname" Just wanting to know if I can run discrete gpu at 16x and not be stuck at 2x
  10. Set Internal PLL Overvoltage to auto, when it's enabled some boards go right to code 15 Edit: from Raja "Just an FYI: Code 15 will also happen if memory is clocked too high for IMC to handle." and "Code 15 means IMC halted before DRAM training even started. Either DRAM is very badly unstable or IMC has an issue (could be IMC voltage needs changing also). Assuming no bent or poorly contacting pins in socket (sometimes CPU might need re-seating)"
  11. No standard or premade gpu mount will fit this and it's oversized square evap. That being said it would be an easy thing to do yourself using some pom, tho you may have to get creative to get it to mount square/level. She's a one of a kind beast so surely worth it
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