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Everything posted by GtiJason

  1. Someone gave you this beautiful rig, one heck of a friend !
  2. Wait, so now we switch back to no ES in Challenger ?
  3. Lovin' the rotary dials holding that tall pot down. Nice Score J!
  4. EK Supremacy CSQ must be a really strong cooler, sorry had to! Good job my friend
  5. I just use masking tape or kapton tape cut with a straight edge and xacto blade. "Helping Hands" magnifying glass to place using toothpick
  6. Yeah, I'm now Hardmad when looking at comments on main site, others have same issue just like kicsipapucs
  7. Nice work Nox ! Googled this board to read up on it and here is the very first line I read, " Although the NF4 Ultra-D's UV light show suggests that those tweezers should be used as roach clips, they're actually meant for the board's jumper blocks. "
  8. No, that's not the point I was making. It obviously wouldn't happen overnight and I don't claim to have all the answers but things have become too complicated to attract new blood. Over the last 5 years I have seen a lot of guys disappear and only a handful of truly dedicated new entries and over that time with 3 rev changes (I think) things have become worse, not easier. 32m is my bench and I have spent countless hours teaching friends and teamates how to run it properly but if we can't attract new benchers and the current base is slowly leaving super pi won't matter anymore when there is no one left to bench it
  9. I think if we want XOC/HWBot to survive we need to make it easier for new guys to join, I have several friends interested but as soon as they see all the different OS's needed and restrictions that's the end of it. As much as I'd hate to see certain benchmarks go, it may be a necessity. Potential new members want to see a fair, and easy to use platform. I think Allen nailed it when he said benchmarks with wrapper or valid link
  10. Bios 1602 already named creative.rom, very nice ! Edit: doesn't seem to be working for me, maybe because I don't have the cpu's isolated anymore since there's no need on bios 0084v2 and for 6c HT I use MOCF. Thought the hard mods did away with this need, could I'm wrong wouldn't be the first time 2nd or 3rd actually haha
  11. I cant see how it could be any worse than the Z170 board, appears to have same phase cpu/ram vrm. BTW tWRWR_dr and _dd easily go to 5 and 4 is possible as well Here is a pic I edited to be "more LIT" making it easier to see the detail of componants, and a comparison to my Z170 board
  12. If that's the case I'd of tore off that pcie slot clip by now. Or tape around the 2 bios pads that need to be shorted and try liquid metal, HB pencil, or tiny flathead screwdriver to temporarily connect em
  13. X bios did no give XP support, the reason many are excited here is ability to run higher clocking better imc coffee cpu's in z270 board since Ape IX actually can. SuperPi 32m loves XP and if you love mem oc u should too What are you trying to do ? With the short mod you can flash Alex's 0084 v2 and modded Apex X bios 1501 or wtf it is for HT. One guy here even flashed bios by using flashback and screwdriver to connect bios flash pads while this may not be technically 100% correct, I find it as a good way to look at mod and describe it
  14. First thing I checked but no big deal since I can switch back to 0084 v2 when needed
  15. It is, his cpu-z mainboard tab is showing chipset as Z270. Only says Apex X because it's a modded X bios
  16. I think you could use this, a SOIC8 SOP8 Flash Chip IC Test Clips Socket Adpter BIOS/24/25/93 Programmer
  17. and this one I think https://youtu.be/97TqYb7aSFQ
  18. True, not sure I'm ready to part with mine yet and Aero was the only other guy I knew who had another clean one they may part with
  19. It may be, but worth a shot
  20. i7 7740x was really 170 E, thats what my email said. If so killer price !
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