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Everything posted by GtiJason

  1. Like Chilli said, I'll take one E6300 and one E6750 thanks !
  2. Are you sure the gains don't have something to do with the switch to i7 7700k from 6700k ?
  3. Got a new Z97 OCF, these boards never fail to amaze me. Not sure why this is but these 4 dimmers, for the mostpart overclock better than any other boards I've had / have. I can cold boot psc at 2666-2750MHz+ and Samuel "D" at 2800-2933MHz, and on all the other top boards (mostly 2 dimmers) just training 2666/2800 can be a real headache. The only thing that has kept me holding on to these other boards is the slightly better rtl's, but have noticed a reaccuring cycle going on where I get OS's prepped for 2dimm boards, get boards prepped for water, phase or lin, get excited to run 32m, enter the bios and am angrily cleaning up an hour later with little to no progress and we're already multiple generations past Haswells heyday. This is my fourth Z97 OCF that just works, and does it well. Here's a few pics of first session, OS mostly stock since I'm binning 4770k's for... imc / 5g-5g volts / all out 32m (ln2) Album- ASRoĉk Z97 OCF - 2017 4770k binning - Album on Imgur
  4. Killer GTX(+) man ! Gonna make it really difficult for mine to get a top spot once I get a pot for it
  5. New bios is alright, 32m will be the real test tho. I'll run imc on lin since I was getting pos temps at 1.425v and I refuse to run clu on a chipped die. Probably around -10 under load here and 48-49-6-6 failed at 4120. Album Link X14b bios - initial testing w/ *B die - Album on Imgur
  6. Get yourself a PCI -Expres USB 2.0 Host Controller Card with NEC chip. You can use it for keyboard, mouse and most importantly flash storage https://www.amazon.com/Syba-Expres-5-port-Host-Controller/dp/B0026I4DZ2/ref=pd_sim_147_5?_encoding=UTF8&psc=1&refRID=HRS489ZV8Z6MJEEB4V0Q
  7. Haha, thanks Alex ! That screenie was the very first run on lin
  8. A bit more with proper Kaby pot, I had 1504 but cpu-z locked up since I'm stubborn and wanted vcore shown for my reference. Core 1's killing me so maybe single threaded it scales as nice as air testing was
  9. Or send em to a pro w/ a rework station if truly goldens. if not set hot air gun for 2xx° C and hope tou don't start a fire
  10. Micro tweak with fuse delete stage 2 kit, huh. Keep em coming brothah !
  11. Crazy strong cpu, take fiddy for it Awesome mem score too and Front page covered !
  12. So anyone else have a VID thats higher than 5g stable ? My cpu is 50/45 1.168v (CPU·Z) 1.170v (AFD) multi run stable My VID is 1.200v
  13. GTX 2's and 2666 Dom P's are in top 3 of all time, at least for publc purchasing. Add in one BBSE and couple of PSC-X from below and my life would be complete. If you ever plan on selling these down the road remember Gti's your guy, lol PIS DDR3-2300 8-11-8-28 (F3-18400CL8D-4GBPIS) PIS DDR3-2400 9-11-9-28 (F3-19200CL9D-4GBPIS) Ripjaws-X DDR3-2200 9-9-9-27 (F3-17600CL9D-4GBXMD) RipjawsZ DDR3-2400 8-11-11-31 (F3-19200CL8Q-8GBZHD) Trident DDR3-2300 9-9-9-24 (F3-18400CL9D-4GBTDS) Trident DDR3-2500 9-11-9-28 (F3-20000CL9D-4GBTDS) or my favorites,
  14. Lapping the bottom of my pot was very important since the nickle plating builds up on the edges I found myself overightening the pot trying to fix delta t's and cracks. This only made it worse because the "thickest" edga of pot would hit cpu holdown essentially crushing pins ever so slightly. This was back in Haswell days but still applies as socket is so similar. I also drop temps to at least -130 in bios before booting to OS, open OC tool (Formula Drive) and CPU-z tabs and apply load from stress cpu in benchmark tab at 1.4-1.5v core and pour until my pot stops spitting ln2 in my face and sounding like a constipated devil screaming aka fullpot, nice and quite by comparison
  15. If 1T is only way, you'll want to run 3980 or so will be your max on most 4 dimm boards but with enough time / effort 4k+ isn't out of the question. I would probably test out 2T because you can do that 4133c12 with less voltage than 1, and frequency seems to matter most with ddr4. It's not like ddr3 psc where it's tCWL=6 and rtl's 40/41/4/4 at 2666-2750c8 or GTFO. Going from say tCWL 9 to 8 is hardly a difference and running 2t being only thing different 32m times at 5g suffer around 0.400-.600s or so, meaning for most benchmarks not very much
  16. I keep acetone in a syringe, apply it to cotton pad/qtip and wipe once with one side and once again with other side (of q-tip etc.) that way only clean cotton touches die / ihs underside. Similar to way I clean up epoxy grout, start off with 2-3 "slurry washs" and for final wash one pass diagonal across grout, clean sponge, repeat. So when ihs real dirty high % isopropal alcohol, Artic Step 1 or even goo gone/goof for wash 1 "slurry" and acetone to finish. As for tim, I've been using new 37g T.Grizz Kryo fresh out the tube and cover entire die (Don't applicaor thing that comes wih paste) Just squeeze paste out around edges of die work your way toward center of die to fill in voids . Like a downward spiral. No need to spread, shape etc as long as there no voids air pockets and plop ihs back on top while chip is in socket. (Do not apply, wipe, spread any extra paste to underside of ihs) one blob on die to ihs best. Sure T.grizz is runny so be careful, maybe pre test once before inserting into socket because paste can get into socket even with precaution. tape, blue towel etc. paste is very difficult to fully remove but acetone will dilute/ dissolve more than enough so pins can move freely, but socket will look stained. Even with it "wet" consitancy by comparison I've been having great success with no cracking for many hours with Kaby, Something I can't say about Skylake launch / following months. I was a crack head back then. TLDR, I've way overcomplicated this as is't so simple in real life takes like 45 seconds. I'll get a pic of amount used next time
  17. Dayyyyyuumn Boy, that computer sure is zippin' ! So is it really as old as they say it is, rare, ...original ? Please don't tell me it's a knockoff, must be something interesting if A.R.S decided to air it
  18. Now this is what I call Real Overclocking, very respectful Clocks cpu,gpu and mems all on LN2. Respect !
  19. Killer card, I recently missed out on a clean 285 Matrix for $55. Highly doubt it would be close to yours
  20. Nice... love seeing people working with the hand they were delt
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