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Everything posted by Rauf

  1. Thanks, so the usual samsung temps
  2. Great mems and great score! How much cold do they like?
  3. Thanks! I tried cold MFR, but mine are average so Samsungs on air were slightly better. Maybe with cold AFR when they become available...
  4. Nice, I have no more backups Will run again tomorrow with ln2 hopefully.
  5. I'm gonna go cold mems first time tomorrow. MFR...should I expect CBB?
  6. http://hwbot.org/submission/3016863_minicoopers_xtu_core_i3_6300_716_marks - 102.9 on Asus. Also, my MSI Xpower does the same baseclock as the OCF. Will be interesting to see how it scales on LN2, but I'm no XTU master...
  7. Thanks! They are G.Skill TridentZ, Samsung E-die. I don't think baseclock is board related...but the OCF is good for XTU!
  8. I have so many backups, no need for for you guys to even try
  9. here's https://pb380-my.sharepoint.com/personal/t_bergstrom_pb380_onmicrosoft_com/_layouts/15/guestaccess.aspx?guestaccesstoken=b8nIdMb5P0qvgdsoSc3rNMPcqgCfecHtYyqjJAMy3fk%3d&docid=0bcdc4b10148f4f7f831f6824282f2b6f
  10. Thanks all. No, won't go higher on air.
  11. Come on MDD, show us your real results! And show us your mem speeds!
  12. There will surely be wallpaper
  13. Thanks! They are Team Xtreem 3866. Samsung E-die.
  14. Probably waiting for HOT?
  15. Thanks! It's easier to see if you missed a spot with red
  16. Clean all contact areas with aceton, use kryonaut and mount really tight works well for me. Been benching six sessions straight at -170 and below with no crack. Last time I didn't even reapply tim on die, just left cpu mounted in socket and it worked as well. But you use kryonaut as tim and then seal with glue?
  17. That is insane! Imagine you would have done this a few months ago...
  18. Wow, binned many? Willing to share what batches?
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