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Everything posted by Sparks.nl

  1. I allready made an offer on a cheap mobo (killed the last one, 1 of 5...). I ordered a new psu as well (Super Flower 2000w platinum).
  2. Thanks, I will try and test them in that order (someday). About the package: In the Netherlands it was PostNL who fuxxxd up... In France it was just my luck during a lock down. edit: I found the cause of 3 motherboard crashes... when one gfx card was plugged In Antother nf7-s went down. So now 4 motherboards defective. edit2: anther mainboard just went up in smoke. No idea what is causing this, but for now no testing or oc because I reaaly don’t know why I blew up 5 mainboards just by pushing power on.
  3. Thank you for your offer. I will test these first after I am sure which hardware survived. Since I only have 1 Epox board, this board will be tested only when I am completely sure what the problem is. About bad luck: Good to know that after 70 days my dfi nf4 board finaly made it here... that is, 1 village further up the road... Someone brought it back and now it is going back to France after no tries to get it even in the right town...
  4. This not booting or posting is without any mod, I just replaced some cpu caps. At first all fans were working and I measured cpu, vdd, vtt and vdimm as ok, but still no post codes on my external card (not even 00). After some hardware swapping of it now runs only the green led at the pci port. Almost no voltages on the psu. edit: the booster needs a new var. resister (ordered), the FireRAM module is working perfectly. edit 2: it didn’t come to running the booster on this motherboard sadly.
  5. Thank you, that is a complete answer. So when modding vdimm, vtt always scales if I understand this correct. And since 5v is used a mod for vdimm is easy then. I was thinking of using the FireRAM module or the OCZ Booster. edit: this was a short adventure... motherboard died after swapping some caps. 3rd board in a few weeks (2 socket a and 1 socket 939).
  6. Thanks for your input. I will try those settings. for fsb testing on my NB I always use one specific XL kit I own, it seems more friendly altough these are 512’s. I won’t be running pi 32m yet because I will wait for running it with vdd an vdimm modded. I have one more question: Where is the vtt measuring point? edit: I was planning to replace the other 6.3v 3300’s for cpu with solids (1500 or 1800) and place them on the other side of the motherboard. For the 2 caps near the 12v mod I will use 2 1000uF solids. I hope this will do it.
  7. I have the A7N8X Deluxe v2.0 version and I am running the ED55 Digitalbath version. Is that the recommended version for now? It didn’t come to testing the NB yet, I am planning to test it with my Tccd kit first to get an idea. This way I can do it unmodded. My dead nf7-s did a 260 boot at 1.6v. Even with mosfet replacements the 12v and 5v give 0 Ohm When connecting with ground.
  8. Thanks. I was able to run 260-266 on my nf7 before it died 2 weeks ago. I think it was ed. my Epox is ed as well (254-257) with an old bios. I have an Asus now as well.
  9. I saw that @digitalbath made a nice Epox mod as well. I will test those on my 8rda6+ pro. Can someone please explain again what was the difference between: ebed, dded and ed? edit: I saw some good stuff on page 2 and 3 so I will try and read again.
  10. Any chance you would sell bh5 memory?
  11. Quick reply to follow news in the thread.
  12. I have a kit which runs these speeds sinds 2015. It were 2 kits (1 dimm was killed in a defective motherboard).
  13. Unmodded (not even recapped) motherboard, using TCCD. Just a great cpu.
  14. After testing the image I can tell that for me the image works while using the ps2/usb2.0 pcie card from above. I had to search the internet for working usb 3.x drivers. My usb ports now seem to work altough not all devices work yet. But the main parts all work. I won’t be installing the nvme drivers if available. This separates my win10 installation nicely. Tested with Ryzen 3950x an Asus Crosshair VIII X570.
  15. This can be closed.
  16. Hi all, I want a Athlon 64 s939 single core Venice which does a 3200MHz or better boot (rather better) to Windows (on air/water). I you have a dual which does 3300MHz on water or air I might be interested as well. Please only proven cpu’s (link to printscreen).
  17. No reply?? It is for sale?
  18. It doesn't seem to be getting hot. I checked it in BIOS and with my fingers. The strange thing is that both AN7 boards have the exact same issue. On 1 board I replaced part of the CPU caps (all 6 6.3v 3300uF) and 1 for NB (6.3v 1800uF) a while ago. This does not make any difference. I am thinking of NB or memory caps. I am testing different speeds and voltages now. Edit: Just found out that my XP install for AN7 seems to hating newer versions of CPUz (1.78 and 1.90 hang after 5-15% loading). Version 1.51 works fine while running 800MHz. Edit 2: I can run the CPU @2400MHz with 18x 133MHz FSB WPrime stable. Memory is stable with 4:6 settings (running at 400MHz C2-2-2-5 1T) and CPU still @2400MHz (133MHz FSB). Edit 3: I allready replaced 6 caps, after replacing another 7 it gives a first ever boot on 11x200MHz. 1 cap came out with 1 leg still in the motherboard. After testing some more I can now boot 8x245MHz C2. Seems stable to me. Now for the other motherboard...
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