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Everything posted by MaddMutt

  1. I hope to make the party this year. If I submit enough scores will I be moved up to Extreme League. The best I can do is with DICE and will not be able to match the speeds/scores from the LN2. When the party is over do I request to be bumped back down to Apprentice League. This is if I submit enough scores with LN2 to be moved up :)
  2. When is AsRock going to release that BIOS to the public?? Currently that motherboard does not support Intel 8th Gen CPUs :) That is a sweet run :)
  3. Count me in I actually have the Wife excited about this too. She is more excited about the shopping options than the party though MaddMutt hwbot.org/user/MaddMutt/ Overclockers.com
  4. Have you thought about flashing the 6770 to a 5770?? Your 6770 has 2 CF connectors. The 5770 has only 1 CF connector.
  5. Thanks for the information :) Could not find info on NachtFalke chiller??? I have a series of ATI\AMD 3xxx and 4xxx being modded by Dolk. I have a series of Nvidia 68xx - GTX 295 inbound. I will then have to request someone to mod them for me. I can no longer hold an iron to do them myself.
  6. I can't wait to see how these do when you have taken them subzero :)
  7. Very NICE :) Way to go on working on the older cards while the newer ones are to much $$$. Did you MOD these??? BIOS edit or Hard Wire??? No need to tell all but we need to pass on some of our knowledge to the younger crowd.
  8. Nice Run :) The picture shows reference boards...Did you do any mods on them??? If so...pictures please.
  9. Nice score :) Need to look into why the GPU was down clocking...
  10. You have the video cards listed as being cooled by LN2. I was going to say that that is a low clock for them on LN2. I see that they are cooled by H2O instead. I still think you should have been able to break 1200MHz even on water??
  11. I accept your challenge ... MY fellow OverClocker I see the new Drivers have improved the score over the old 14.12 I hope to post my new benches before April +1 for showing me what the New Drivers CAN DO :-)
  12. I accept your challenge ... MY fellow OverClocker I see the new Drivers have improved the score over the old 14.12
  13. I was just trying to make a point on the new scoring system. I have a HD-6970 (or xx) and score 1st place in Catzilla 720p but receive nothing but 0.0 points. The 1080Ti that I linked gets points. The 1080Ti gets 126.6 UGP for being the 2nd using 1 GPU & 110.2 GTPP for being the 2nd in team to use 1 GPU. Now IF I had been 1st benching 2 x 1080Ti's I would have received : UWP-156.1, UGP-146.7, GTPP-98.4. for 401 point's????? If you really want to make this a sport and have fairness then: Have points based on how well you scored using - AIR, Water, AIO Water, Dice, Cascade, and-or LN2. You scored 75.00 points for having the fastest air cooled 2600k < Just a thought...
  14. ^ What I was saying was that the lower res is where these older cards can run. They have a problem at 1440 & 4K. One other thing that was missed was clicking on the links. EVERYBODY that is using a $50 card has his points zeroed out (0.0). The last link shows that people with TOP GEAR ($$$) are not effected. The basic page shows that they received 0.0 points for their submission. Click on the link like I did and it show that these persons received points for their submission???? ARE WE PLAYING DOUBLE STANDARDS?????
  15. I'm sorry for not asking first to be able to reference your site. I apologize Mr.Scott for this error. I hate the feeling of move up or out (Hardware Wise). I would rather read about XX who took a 1.x Pen-VI NorthWood to 4.x than about who has the best hardware OCed. For every "K|inP|n" that benches 2 x 1080Ti (EVGA KP's that cost $1,200+ each) to a world record worth 401.2 point's, you have 10 that are benching 2 x 550ti, 660ti, 5870, and 6870. Theses cards can be had for under $50 and still give good point's, except in already said benches. In those benches they are worth 0 EVEN if you are #1 http://hwbot.org/submission3775098_no1spank_catzilla___720p_radeon_hd_6870_8183_marks http://hwbot.org/submission/3426537_poparamiro_catzilla___720p_radeon_hd_5870_9440_marks http://hwbot.org/submission/2573108_noxon_catzilla___720p_geforce_gtx_660_ti_18528_marks http://hwbot.org/submission/3743166_bullshooter_catzilla___720p_geforce_gtx_560_ti_11635_marks If you HAVE A 1 x 1080Ti ($$$$) you have 236.8 points for 1st place or 2 x 1080Ti for 401.2 points for 1st place???? http://hwbot.org/submission/3728767_rauf_catzilla___720p_geforce_gtx_1080_ti_83024_marks I have not EVEN gotten into 3D MARK 01. I have not tested this completely but at XX driver version an ATI\AMD video card will not run it. You do not even have this problem with current Nvidia's cards\drivers??? Thank You For Your Time
  16. ^ If the points were pulled for the reason that I think..... Lets make it even in the 3D world NO card below DX11 allowed. That should eliminate some old benchmarks that are still around. It should also free up a-lot of disk space taken up by OLD\JUNK hardware. All you have to do is look to the RIGHT on the HOME PAGE. WARP9-SYSTEMS is not in FIRST PLACE because they are benching the latest and greatest gear. I hope you know the rest....
  17. When looking-up the hardware DB for a XX GPU or XX CPU, there is no information displayed. When posting scores for 3D Mark Ice Storm, Ice Storm Extreme, Catzilla 576p, and 720p, the result is 0.0. This is even if you placed 1st with your hardware.
  18. I forgot the basic rule. Don't block the screen shot
  19. Bad info on card But it's still a nice run
  20. How about missing points for Hardware???? Case in point - Radeon HD 6870 a 1st place score in Ice Storm, Ice Storm EX, Catzilla 576p, or Catzilla 720p = 0 points Also the Hardware DB is broken. Can not look-up XX Hardware. Thank You
  21. I know I got to happy to fast and forgot to verify that it was good. I'll be BACK (ha ha ha) on the 19th to try again. This time I will make sure that the score is verified good
  22. That REALLY BLOWS I BEAT the top score using Dice and then have it pulled because of a BAD screen shot
  23. Are you sure your not in the ELITE section??? Running a Intel i9 7980XE AND a Nvidia Titan V - WOW
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