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Everything posted by MaddMutt

  1. I have a quick question and a minor (BUG) problem with BM. Is this the only place to request fixes?? Minor Error.. I will pick driver 417.xx but it is any that can run the GTX-680/780(Ti)/980(Ti) video cards. Here is the problem : I'm running XX video card and BM is working great. I switch out video card and restart computer, Win 7 recognizes new video card. Driver already works with xx video card so windows re configures to also run xx card with xx driver. I run BM and get stopped at the loading screen. The fix is to reload the video driver after switching cards. <- As I said, this is a minor problem. Thank You
  2. That is some speed :) Your so close to a 100% OC on that GPU. Find another CPU and you will have all WRs with that GPU :-)
  3. Great Work :) I Will have to work to get back into top 5.
  4. Excellent Run :) Super score you have. Any more frosty pictures?? Now that you have 1st with the AMD HD-68xx series, are you going to do the AMD HD-78xx series???
  5. Thank You for the frosty pictures :) Killer run on that unlocked 3rd core.
  6. Awesome Run and vmod you did on that card:)
  7. Did you pull out the x299 for the new CPU's coming next month??
  8. Was this a throw away card?? Not enough prep time?? You went to fast on benching because of streaming???
  9. You need to use Benchmate...Where is your Motherboard Tab?? This would fail validation. I still love the run though :)
  10. I look forward to your other submissions :) I also like the frosty picture :-)
  11. It was the green guy holding it down -> rofl
  12. Great Work :) Did you run this as a direct die?? This SUB is another reason we need to use BenchMate -> Thumbs Up
  13. The use of the FAN is going - above and beyond - to cool that CPU :) I love it..BUT did it work???
  14. I've noticed several TOP 79xx scores where the memory was running 3600~3800 @ 14/15-32/38
  15. Try re-benching it with BenchMate. Since You didn't use it..Your submission is rejected. You need THREE (3) CPU-Z tabs for 2D submissions. They are : - CPU, Motherboard, and Memory tabs. I also include the SPD tab. This is a habit you need to get into when submitting scores :)
  16. Thank You For that Great Picture. I can feel the cold from here :)
  17. Nice and it was not done on a CHVF(Z). To bad no Frosty Picture :(
  18. I just got my CB-20 (i7-8700k) black listed because the bench picture was covered. I was using BM 0.8.1 and sub the score at the beginning of the comp. I have since burned a cpu pin and will not be able to rebench the board. I thought this was the whole reason for the use of BM as it takes out the guess work. It also make up for when you make small mistakes like forgetting to include XX tab. FYI -> The current leading team also has the CB-20 picture covered. Does this make theirs illegal?? Thank You
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