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How much you want to pay for HWBOT?


How much would you pay for HWBOT's services (yearly)?  

324 members have voted

  1. 1. How much would you pay for HWBOT's services (yearly)?

    • €0
    • upto €5
    • upto €10
    • upto €25
    • upto €50
    • upto €100
    • upto €200
    • upto €500
    • upto €1000
    • upto €5000

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DISCLAIMER: HWBOT is in no way planning to charge the community for our services!


The idea of paying subscription for HWBOT was suggested by some users from the community. This is just a poll to see how many users would actually put in money for HWBOT and to check whether this is a viable solution or not.

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Let's see;

How much is that in Dollars U.S. Currency?

How about a $10.00 per anum fee for keeping all the boints cataloged for everyone who is paid up.


Not paid up?

then no points,submittals or username showing on the board.

Edited by Ol'Bud
typo error found later. boints improperly spelled
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Just as an example: I am one of the minority members in a game clan that donates approximately $200 yearly to help keep our game server afloat. I say minority because I realize that roughly 20% of our members donate (an optimistic number btw) on a regular basis.


I feel like this is treated like a forum sometimes where constant mindless posts are made without any concern as to the business end is considered. After all, any endeavour has a pricetag and requires attention at some point. Any rational person realizes this fact and to ignore it is senseless.


I know it will not be a popular notion, but if all were serious about it they would have no problem helping with the upkeep of a valued commodity. If even half of the pay for nothing crowd left the scene it would certainly be of little matter in the long haul and would drastically cut down on the workload.

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EUR10-30 per annum should be OK for those who are interested in and play active game at HWBOT.


2 Massman: I perfectly understand the staff here 'cuz enthusiastic IT-projects all over the world have similar problems :) If any certain plans might be created, just think about some bonuses that users who donated might get, and make them more noticeable. Only few pay attention to "Donate" button, I suppose. On the other hand, options for money shouldn't be critical for participating in rankings, or you may loose thousands of 'so-so interested' guys.

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Those "thousands of so-so interested" guys are the problem cyclone. In effect, what have you lost if every one of them disappeared?


so you prefer to kick out all the "small" members and keep the BOT with only the elit?

I thought this was the case with the different leagues proposal!

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But anyway guys, we are benchmarking high technology products made by some great companies. How can you leave them out of it?

They also get very possitive feadback in order to implement higher efficiency products and we are all pleased by that.

I wish more companies to get involved with the good meaning of course :)

Here in my country we all believe in the "olympic spirit". The "olympic" athletes compete only to win glory, to get in the first place playing fair and square!

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The point of this discussion leads ultimately to the direction of this entity. Do we as a group want to continue on the same track or do we wish to seek another solution? Do the founders even want to consider another way? I suppose these questions will be answered in the bye and bye.


Most of the objections to a "pay to play" effort if you will, have just been pathetic thus far. Those in control have every right to run things as they see fit. On the other hand they must also realize that continued bucking of members concerns will only hurt them in the long term. One without the other will leave little to be desired from anyone's standpoint.

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But anyway guys, we are benchmarking high technology products made by some great companies. How can you leave them out of it?

They also get very possitive feadback in order to implement higher efficiency products and we are all pleased by that.

I wish more companies to get involved with the good meaning of course :)

Here in my country we all believe in the "olympic spirit". The "olympic" athletes compete only to win glory, to get in the first place playing fair and square!


those companies do not have to come to hwbot to get feedback, they already have a efficient network of disbursing hardware for testing, feedback and review...

What they can get from hwbot is marketing, for that they can put big banners on all pages, even result pages and give money for those banners....

Again I dont think hwbot is/would charge from all users, but it should be some sort of privileged based, like more than 50-100 submission. If someone has got money to bench 10 different hardware, he/she can easily spend money equivalent to 1 of that hardware to keep their favourite site alive the way they want it.

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easy to calculate Massman, extract a list of all members who post scores to this site at least 1 score per week.

that is your active membership where potentially you could expect subscription money from; take 30% of that number; multiply by €10/year and you have a number to work with ;)


I voted €0

I'm not an active bencher, I post benchmarks for the team score if possible;

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Those "thousands of so-so interested" guys are the problem cyclone. In effect, what have you lost if every one of them disappeared? Pardon me if I seem harsh and pragmatic...we are not talking submissions here, but support of a site.
I would lost some competition spirit. HWBOT would also lost a big part of the database (users/results) which definitely does its business when self-promoting and talking to partners (compare: 'pros - 3000 active overclockers' and 'pros - 2000 active clockers')

It would influence the possible income/support of a site, just in another way. So.. think widely & wisely -)

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