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these temperature controlled competitions are just causing more heartache. I think the specifics of what can and cannot be used need to be much clearer in the future.

"sub ambient" might mean quite a temperature range between people. "a minimum of 5 degrees" is a much more clear.


So what's the deal with water coolers? 2nd in XTU is using an intel water cooler set to 10c and maxing at 96c with 1.7v while 1st is maxing at 68c with 1.75v and he also has his cpu under load in the SS to hide his idle temps. If you ask me this is bull and not very fair to newcomers after massman said no sub ambient

Posted (edited)

Newlife, read correctly the chart ;) the 2nd is ONLY 53°C , not 96°C... at the and of the benchmark...

The left value (green) show the T° depending of the mousse position in the chart.

In #2 screen, it's 1seconde before the end of the benchmark, and it show 53°C

In #1 screen, it's 67°C... so 14° higher than #2.


So if #2 is at 10°C , then at 20°c you will have something like 10°c more ;). Moreover, NvidiaForever CPU HIS is removed.


I'm not a judge, so I'm not tell screen is legit or not, I just give you some key ;)


Edit : add picture in attachment :

Red circle show T° at the end of the benchmark in both case.

Blue circle show ??? nothing :D

To display 96°C, just stop your water cooling pump in IDLE and wait T° increase.... then XTU keep the value as a maximum. Then start your WC pump, wait for low T° and run benchmark... So this value is bu**sh**, don't look at it ;)

Edited by Wizerty

Well done to everyone who managed to do the first stage without changing the ambient temp of your chosen liquid.


So in all fairness. A sub ambient run is going to win a ambient stage. :)


Ice slush, water coolers etc are all changing the temp below ambient of what the air is around you so not really a fair playing field for those trying to do it properly.


Oh well always next time.


Thanks for the comp Gigabyte.


Go bench in the antartic circle, you'll have a ambient temperature bellow 50°C. Pretty close to australia, and no need to use ice or whatever, oh wait ....

Accept to be beaten in rules, more fair play will not kill someone.


Ho, and I looked other guys screenshots....with, many guys don't add screenshot, or disable monitoring... So you trust someone without screen, without monitoring, but you said someone with all infos cheat...

If he want to cheat, he better have to disable monitoring...

Posted (edited)
While you made some good points Wizerty this has just gone down a very childish path

You're probably right newlife ... I don't sleep enough these day, and I'm a bit irritable ;)

BUT IT'S MASSMAN FAULT :o , too much contest in summer :D


The fact :

Every time, "looser" said he cheat, rookie rumble, rookie rumble again, z97 giga contest..... it's boring at the end, cause we all know, when someone said something like that, in the mind of the reader it's exactly like if he had cheat... so be carefull when you send accusation.

moreover, he is french, so if you said he cheat, in reader mind, all french are cheater... trust me, it sad, but it's like that


Anyway, HwBot crew will take the decision so wait and see ;)



Edit :

DFORDOG : DAT CPU.... crazzzyyyy. This is a goden platinum gem+

Edited by Wizerty

Maybe a picture that wasn't zoomed right in on a water block might get rid of some of the accusations? It was the same story in the Rookie Rumbles. The same picture of the same setup for every submission. That were a million miles in front of everyone else. It's no wonder people accuse all the time.


I honestly hope he and others are doing it right and if they are, they should share with me hahaha.


Oh and thanks to you both on your very mature responses.


A picture don't say anything, I can take a pic of my aircooled rig and bench on ln².

The only way is to check temp monitoring for each submission and trust in others people, but I think it would be better for the next competition to add a temperature rule.


Like Maedhros said, if you live in Antarctica you can bench at minus 50 on air, still beter than a guy in Africa with iced water...

So it would be interesting to choose a minimal temp and made the monitoring mandatory to avoid any accusation.

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