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....AND I doupt that ANY of these things will happen (even send it to a trusted person) because I don't see any "possitive reaction" of these guys here....ONLY excuses here and there....and in the end the "list" of the "untrusted people" will grow bigger..... ;)


seems i was right when i said this:




yet you will demand proof on these scores as always :P





it's quite funny how you (and i'm including Gautam here) in some way think you are like the supreme OC judges in the world or something


first, to James (pro) , buddy, i have nothing against you at all and will never be so, but i think the way you approached this debate was indeed unappropiate, starting with the title of the thread, and then the manners, i assume you felt pissed off but yet you know you should have asked for the legit of these scores in another way


then, as soon as the cat is out the bag, i certainly knew the Hipro and Gautam names would shown up in no time


twisting words, and making out loud assumptions about how "decent" are these guys, honestly, when i read both of you 2 guys post, i only can read bla bla bla


you are who try to manipulate people and who point finger out, period.



why in the hell should Sam HAVE to travel to another country to prove a score just because YOU guys demand it?


wouldn't be more than enough recording a video tape in which you can see the clocks in bios and then setfsb and 32M passed, is that not enough proof or are you going to say that can be faked as well? cause it's the only thing left to make me laugh off my pants



come on, leave the guys alone and get a life


The problem is that we (personaly I) have a life, have wife and children which I teach them EVERY DAY, to be HONEST MOST of all....


I KNEW from the VERY START of this thread that there will be NO PROOF at all, though I insisted somehow, not because I care about these guys BUT because I CARE about HONESTY in the overclocking community.......BUT I see that you DON'T want anyone to care about it.....


You will hear from me no more, because ALL those times I had fighten about HONESTY in overclocking world, I made "enemies"..... It's OK with me, I don't care about them because they DON'T WORTH it BUT I DO CARE about ALL the others.....



P.S. Recording a video of the bench says shi(f)t to me........

We have seen OPB's Aquamark3 WR video a year ago, that while his CPU was at the "edge" of it's frequency of benching, he poored only a few drops of LN2 in the pot to finish the whole bench......GIVE ME A BREAK.......This is CRAP to me...... ;)

The problem is that we (personaly I) have a life, have wife and children which I teach them EVERY DAY, to be HONEST MOST of all....


I KNEW from the VERY START of this thread that there will be NO PROOF at all, though I insisted somehow, not because I care about these guys BUT because I CARE about HONESTY in the overclocking community.......BUT I see that you DON'T want anyone to care about it.....


You will hear from me no more, because ALL those times I had fighten about HONESTY in overclocking world, I made "enemies"..... It's OK with me, I don't care about them because they DON'T WORTH it BUT I DO CARE about ALL the others.....



P.S. Recording a video of the bench says shi(f)t to me........

We have seen OPB's Aquamark3 WR video a year ago, that while his CPU was at the "edge" of it's frequency of benching, he poored only a few drops of LN2 in the pot to finish the whole bench......GIVE ME A BREAK.......This is CRAP to me...... ;)



Yet you are twisting my words again, i do care about honesty , such as i do about fairness which is the lack in this thread


and if you read back through the thread either mrlobber and Sam offered ways to prove their scores, the fact i am meaning is about why are they in some way "obligated" to give proof, i hope you understand what i try to get at saying this, i'm not saying they won't show proof, i ask why? should they


i never tried to be your enemy nor anyone's out there, but if you go against my team mates and i notice (in my opinion) unfairness in your comments then don't expect i am going to be friendly, yet i try as much to keep respect



about the aquamark video, i'm sure you know as we all do that am3 does need barely 2 little bursts of LN2 to complete the whole bench once you have the pot cold down enough, furthermore, there is nothing to do with this, i am saying showing video, showing clocks in bios, enter windows, overclock system, show cpuz, do real time validation and then pass 32m, tell me how you can fake that



and please skip telling anything can be faked if you don't tell me how




the comment "get a life" wasn't intented to offence, i am sorry if it did or sounded rude, my intenttion was saying that you have probably better things to do than accusing free these guys


OK.....In some of your words you are right..... :)


Why to show proof?......... OK........ IF a score is out of the limit and hardware MUCH HIGHER in fsb/clocks/etc from others and they (or anyone else) want to be OK with ALL the others (if you haven't noticed hwbot is a "competitive community"), they SHOULD show proof when asked......OR else everyone IN HERE could do as he pleases......

They are not uploading their scores in a forum of their own to go out and say: "Hey look I got these resaults".....They upload their scores to a "competitive community".....TOTALY different thing......We are TOO MANY IN here......

It's a site for competition if you can understand what I mean and proof IS NEEDED in here..... ;)

OK.....In some of your words you are right..... :)


Why to show proof?......... OK........ IF a score is out of the limit and hardware MUCH HIGHER in fsb/clocks/etc from others and they (or anyone else) want to be OK with ALL the others (if you haven't noticed hwbot is a "competitive community"), they SHOULD show proof when asked......OR else everyone IN HERE could do as he pleases......

They are not uploading their scores in a forum of their own to go out and say: "Hey look I got these resaults".....They upload their scores to a "competitive community".....TOTALY different thing......We are TOO MANY IN here......

It's a site for competition if you can understand what I mean and proof IS NEEDED in here..... ;)


that's the way things should be asked ;)


if proofs were always asked that way, neither me nor Sam and mrlobber would have a problem at all with that :)

Posted (edited)

For the moment I removed the scores which are being questioned here. Actually mostly because of what Gautam posted roughly 24 hours before this post. I've never pretended to be a legend, and never will be one, and I still can understand some of the doubts on these scores as the hardware involved might seem exceptionally fast for a neutral observer. However, what I cannot understand, is this prejudicing by some persons coming to post in this thread... and this is the thing I believe Predator is talking about as well.


Hipro, you've displayed this attitude the most brightly, starting from the very beginning with that "brainwashing" thing about me, developing it into "they're all cheaters" thing, and now stating you thought it from the very beginning. Don't you think that we might have our own life as well which you just boldly stated about yourself? I'm parenting my son alone, for instance - do your own conclusions from that. To Sam, it is even more funny, as he's still being parented himself :) But what I don't want, is to turn it all in some personal debate, as it seems this thread is slipping towards it all the time despite some brightsparks of rational discussion.


Anyway, my personal hardware at the moment involved in all this, is that Asus motherboard which is at the moment used as my 24/7 rig. I can take it out though and bundle for travel to any destination it would need travelling to. Almost all the rest depends on Sam. Whichever way of proof he decides to be the best, probably will be the one provided. That's it.

Edited by mrlobber
OK.....In some of your words you are right..... :)


Why to show proof?......... OK........ IF a score is out of the limit and hardware MUCH HIGHER in fsb/clocks/etc from others and they (or anyone else) want to be OK with ALL the others (if you haven't noticed hwbot is a "competitive community"), they SHOULD show proof when asked......OR else everyone IN HERE could do as he pleases......

They are not uploading their scores in a forum of their own to go out and say: "Hey look I got these resaults".....They upload their scores to a "competitive community".....TOTALY different thing......We are TOO MANY IN here......

It's a site for competition if you can understand what I mean and proof IS NEEDED in here..... ;)


So basically this says that hwbot is incapable of successfully validating scores to the satisfaction of its top10 users or?

I.e. if somebody does an extraordinary result, which the top10 weren't expecting, it now warrants additional proof?


Or am I missing something here? :o

However, what I cannot understand, is this prejudicing by some persons coming to post in this thread... and this is the thing I believe Predator is talking about as well.



exactly :)

Posted (edited)

Hey guys.


I'm a member at OCX team and forum and I'm an old guy, so I'm not into dramas. I can tell you there is no BS going on over there that I can see. In fact, I doubt you could get away with that over there. Members are critical of each other, but fair and trusting at the same time.


I'm neutral about any past dramas, never paid attention to it. Just want to put my 2 cents in to defend OCX which is not a home of cheaters.


I'm siked on the top teams battling back and forth, so let's keep it fun. Peace out to both sides.

Edited by MrCape
Oliver, IF MY name was involved in such occasions, the hell with the CPU M8 and I wouldn't care if the CPU whould die.....After all it's my name and not a flucken CPU if you can understand what I mean..... :)


PLUS it will be sent to TRUSTED person.... ;)


....AND I doupt that ANY of these things will happen (even send it to a trusted person) because I don't see any "possitive reaction" of these guys here....ONLY excuses here and there....and in the end the "list" of the "untrusted people" will grow bigger..... ;)

I fully understand what you mean


We ALL trust? I don't trust even my cat :)


Come here and we will discuss it :D I might go to Cebit too, haven't been there a while.

But please one thing that you guys must not do is accusing and calling this word cheater BEFORE anything else. You simply DO NOT. Behave and be polite.


I just notice that similar situations happened in the past concerning the same clockers and nothing was done to clarify the problem.


Takapah, MrLobber, OPB, please join an international OC event and show us your tweaks and OC abilities. It would be a great honor for me to compete you in such events.


Why can't we ask hard questions from time to time? Overclockers can't handle a little heat? So you have to field a few questions, big deal. The one aspect of all this that I find troubling is that TaPaKaH is a self admitted 'cheater' - banned from both XS & hwbot at one time because of it. That taken with all the current happenings doesn't inspire much confidence. He seems like a nice enough guy but that doesn't change why we're all here. I've always liked mr.lobber, mainly from posts @ XS, and I can almost go with his word. However it seems the best way to resolve this to everyone's satisfaction is by one of the methods hipro suggested. If it were me I'd do my best to take one and work with hwbot to answer the questions so we can all get back to business.


there had been some talk that tapakah doesnt exist


Tell him to put a shirt on next time :D

Posted (edited)
banned from both XS & hwbot at one time because of it.




TaPaKah you made it well but all of this is fake.


This is your validation :



This is a fake because the code name Allendale only results from the L2 size detection (namely 2MB). If there were really 4MB, the validation would have displayed Conroe (Phile : this may be wrong, you're right, but in this case this helped finding out the fake :))


Also we found out that you already tried your cheat here :


(the submission IP is the same as yours)


Some other fakes attempts by TaPaKah (these were well detected as fakes)





If the CPU really was a E6400 with 4MB it would have reported something like this :



This a E6400 ES, and these CPUs actually had a 4MB L2. And notice that the code name is reported as Conroe. This is logical, as cpuz relies on L2 size to report either Conroe or Allendale.


On this validation now :


4MB L2 and Allendale. If the CPU was real, it would have said Conroe, and period. Of course the author of the validation could not have known that.


IMO cpuz was cheated and the L2 size was changed with a debugger.


Concerning the cachemem screen, it could have been made on a E6600/E6700 and pasted over a fake cpuz screen. It's not very complicated to do.


Btw, I don't play favorites. Even with James (youngpro) who I now have come to know very well and respect as one of the best benchers of our day, and the original starter of this thread. The first time I talked to him was regarding very strange bugged 01 scores of his that were beginning to draw some attention and caused him to come under some fire. I remember telling him then that questioning scores is necessary when something feels wrong and it's nothing personal. I would go after my closest friends as well if something seemed amiss to me.

Edited by Gautam

OMG , you are right Gautam those are all fake screenshoots , i cannot believe this still happenning and hwbot its doing nothing about it :eek: , all from the same guy :eek:. I knew somthing was not right when I saw those last benches of MR.Lobber and Tapakah :cool:. They keep doing it over and over again and get away with it :confused:. No wonder my friend James was so upset and he had all the right in the world to be upset , im with you James bro , This feels real bad for Us not cheating and working very hard to earn some points :o. Do somthing hwbot :mad:

I just notice that similar situations happened in the past concerning the same clockers and nothing was done to clarify the problem.


Takapah, MrLobber, OPB, please join an international OC event and show us your tweaks and OC abilities. It would be a great honor for me to compete you in such events.


Please, specify, when have I been involved in those "similar situations" in the past and how. People like "extrapolating" present events to the past where in fact from time to time I started benching together with Sam only less than a year ago (you can look up in my results, all those done together are marked as such in their description). Also, why is OPB mentioned here? All this doesn't have to do anything with him, at least to my understanding and knowledge. Or am I somehow wrong?


As for the things which Gautam posted, I believe Sam still had an explanation for this, although I've never got all the details, I think. So I'm not able to put any more light on this regardless of how much I wanted it.


Dedal and NeoForce supposedly are coming to Latvia at the beginning of December for some LN2 benching. I hope, finally this would put all this bullshi(f)t going on here to an end.

Dedal and NeoForce supposedly are coming to Latvia at the beginning of December for some LN2 benching. I hope, finally this would put all this bullshi(f)t going on here to an end.


Did we have any news?.... :)


I guess so

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