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Just throwing in my 2 cents here, but all the guys of JMH I had spoken with seem respectable and honorable. I didnt doubt anything to begin with, but I believe the pictures and video should alleviate anyone elses doubts.


I also wanted to say congratulations on your awesome effort! JMH has been putting lots of effort and good overclocks, great job guys :)

  • Crew
Posted (edited)

Yes it means that since this date subtests should be shown. I can say that new tab "RULES" appears since this date.

You can see that I block your results cause in this morning I was viewing results, maybe if I was on vacation another moderator will block it.

Situation with your HW is clear to me - I see you have a lot of stuff - and no accusations in "sharing" from my side at the moment.



Edited by NeoForce

Jmax speaking from westyle's flat :


Hmm, 90% of benchers didn't know this point of rule (although Neoforce didn't know the application date).


So I think you have 2 choices :

1- you allow 100% scores without subtests (=reintegrqtion of all JMH's and others scores). You could also force members to show subtests windows with a dedicated news

2- our scores remain blocked but be sure that we will spend lots of time reporting all incomplete screens since early 2008...


I prefer the first solution (and I assume everyone including hwbot crew). Please can you see inside HWBot crew to take a common decision.


Ok, it appears clearer now. All the member of our team will include subtests results now.

But how can you explain that there is a lot of results which are not moderated even if subtests are missing ? I don't want to accuse anyone because i think this rule wasn't really clear for everyone. But I think everyone or no one should be blocked because of subtests misssing.


jmke > We talk each other on our own forums, and we all think that this rules mustn't apply before an annoucement done on hwbot to explain it. Of course, you are the only ones who decides, but i think that this kind of problems will be more and more frequent if we don't make it the right way.


Neoforce > Thank you for understanding that there is no sharing from us.


Thekarmakazi > thanks for your congrats, it's really good to read some words about our scores and not about our problems on hwbot :)

Just throwing in my 2 cents here, but all the guys of JMH I had spoken with seem respectable and honorable. I didnt doubt anything to begin with, but I believe the pictures and video should alleviate anyone elses doubts.


I also wanted to say congratulations on your awesome effort! JMH has been putting lots of effort and good overclocks, great job guys :)


Thx a lot ;)


To be as clear as possible : do all scores without ORB and subtests will be deleted ?

If yes, what is the start date ?


(for me it's a very bad idea since 50% of 3DMark scores will be reported and deleted)

Posted (edited)
Just throwing in my 2 cents here, but all the guys of JMH I had spoken with seem respectable and honorable. I didnt doubt anything to begin with, but I believe the pictures and video should alleviate anyone elses doubts.


I also wanted to say congratulations on your awesome effort! JMH has been putting lots of effort and good overclocks, great job guys :)




Thank you very much ! :)



Sinds month, the Jmax-hardware crew try to organize this event the best as we can ( somes traveled more than 1k kilometers , spended money/times, sleep,etc)


You are the first to congratulate us for this event and it's make me happy to read that and i Return the compliment to i4memory ;)





PS : sorry for my poor english :D

Edited by joker_v3
To be as clear as possible : do all scores without ORB and subtests will be deleted ?

If yes, what is the start date ?


(for me it's a very bad idea since 50% of 3DMark scores will be reported and deleted)




We're not trying to block as many scores as possible. Our main mission is to block the suspicious/incorrect/cheated scores


So I start again to feel bad...


How can you cancel normal scores on classical non bugged benchs like 3d01, PCMarks and so on ? I understand that 2k3 with 4870X2 is pretty delicate to moderate. BUT, the recent scores moderated from my side (JMH) are perfectly fair and not particulary 'rox' towards the setup (cpu/mem/uncore/vga).


So, it's totally confusing concerning subtests : are they needed or not or just 'better in case of pretty good run' ?

  • Crew
Posted (edited)

PCMarks without HDD startup or ORB link are not valid.

Your comrade totophe re-submit his scores with opened subtests -I`m happy to check them as correct.

And for the moment - 10 results sre blocked - cause they have no subtest details

incl. 3 2001 submissions - subtests required to check mip-map

4 2003 submissions incl. SLI on X58 (also I have some reports of bugged runs) - subtests reqiured

3 2005 submissions - one of them with not shown settings of test (two submissions by Barbybulle I set as checked)



Edited by NeoForce

I have a problem my 3DMark03 result of the ORB ...


I can not put it in public, I do not know why ... :(


I just know that I would not have occasion to repeat that score and I am disgusted ...


I can post screens, but I think it will not be enoughn right? :(


incl. 3 2001 submissions - subtests required to check mip-map. Concerning 2 3D01, Westyle benched again this afternoon and submit them with all the needed informations.


4 2003 submissions incl. SLI on X58 (also I have some reports of bugged runs) - subtests reqiured. Impossible for them to show subtests since they don't have anything better for you. It's up to you to consider their scores corrects or not


3 2005 submissions - one of them with not shown settings of test. If it's the case, so the screenshot is't valid, I'm 100% agree.

Posted (edited)

hwbot accepts a valid ORB link or a screen shot. The main components of an ORB link include processor type & clock speed, graphics type, individual test details & benchmark settings. A screen shot must include all of the same information.


I have a problem my 3DMark03 result of the ORB ...


I can not put it in public, I do not know why ... :(


It's a problem with FM on some platforms. Double check your screen shots, you don't want to be wasting bench time and nitro.

Edited by Maxi
Posted (edited)
Or a screenshot of the FM valdiation :)


hwbot has never allowed this, I don't think we will start now but of course it's up to the crew to decide in this case.

Edited by Maxi
Neoforce, thanks you for the 2 2006 scores restored (Dami1stm and Westyle). I hope the 20-25 other results will have same treatments :)


Can we know exactly what kind of bench it is about?


Can somebody give us the link?

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