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well i had arranged to have a nice GPU given away for hwbot members, i recived this email back from hwbot


Hello Casey,


Thanks for inquiring Mass Luminosity to give away a nice prize at

hwbot. We love community give-aways!


However, we don't want to hold competitions that have as only

objective to raise the popularity of an external site. In this

particular case, the Facebook page of Mass Luminosity. How generous

the give-away might be, it does not relate to anything we do with

hwbot apart from serving a community.


Best regards,





now with that said, i guess there should be no more prizes from gigabyte, msi, g.skill. etc. as each contest that requires you to use specific brand name hardware, only serves to raise popularity of that brand. with that said bias is proven thanks hwbot for removing my previous post announcing the giveaway, i will be sure to exclude notification of any future giveaways. thanks for proving to me what i suspected from the begining...


What I said is the give-aways we do are on HWBOT. I don't want companies to think they can boost their own Facebook pages through HWBOT by simply giving away a random graphics card. If you want to give away a graphics card at HWBOT, no problem. Put the card aside and we'll figure out a nice competition here at HWBOT. Just like we did when AMD offered us an FX-8150 directly.


None of that "please like my page and you might win something" BS please.


Thank you!


(moved to offtopic)

Posted (edited)

It's also quite annoying when you spam other sites' Facebook pages with your complaining. Since we're posting emails, this was in my inbox today:




Casey Lane posted on Overclockers.com's Wall

"HWBOT.ORG has proven to be biased, in an email from pieter-jan plaisier i just recived, his only reply to the accusation of being biased was spell checking of the email i sent him. "Hello Casey,


Thanks for inquiring Mass Luminosity to give away a nice prize at

hwbot. We love community give-aways!


However, we don't want to hold competitions that have as only

objective to raise the popularity of an external site. In this

particular case, the Facebook page of Mass Luminosity. How generous

the give-away might be, it does not relate to anything we do with

hwbot apart from serving a community.


Best regards,


Pieter." so i guess competitions from gigabyte, msi, g.skill,amd , intel and other hardware manufacturers do not raise the popularity of specific products or their respected external sites. and btw it was not a contest being offered, it was merely post your best 3DMARK05 score in a certain facebook thread and a RANDOM person would have been selected to win a graphics card.. im sorry i triend to help a community of overclockers now, but i am glad i did so at the same time otherwise i would have never known the community i WAS involved in was biased.."


That was, of course, deleted.


Not only do you make no sense (um...hello? HWBot gets paid by Gigabyte, MSI and G.Skill, Intel & AMD are the only two companies that make CPUs, and HWBot gives things away as part of its competitions rather than forwarding people to someone else's place to 'like' them for the chance...), you take your rant and post it on others' facebook pages. Poor form dude, poor form. Please exclude our facebook page from your future notifications as well. :rolleyes:

Edited by hokiealumnus

Quite sad to publish emails without asking for permission in advance.... I dont agree with Pieter, however, your reaction is only weaking your position, while you actually wanted to do good.. :-/ Bad move man.


So he wants to give away a GPU to increase traffic to his site?


Why would HWBot have anything to do with that? They have their own sponsors who they give that exclusive opportunity too. There are tons of companies and sites that want to give away free stuff and hold a competition for it, or something like saying like, or signing up for something.


If one website says no you move on. I know that on OCN thessdreview was allowed to do such a thing.

I know on TPU if you ask them they have a special section of their news that is like give-aways and such.

There are many sites that post news for other sites, no matter their size, that might be willing to post it.

After-all there are many people who want free stuff.


There are rules and you gotta follow them, at OCN for instance i can't post a link to my own site, but others can.

At XS I can post a link directly to my site because i pay that $25 a year subscription, in which I have 0 idea how that goes to make the servers run faster or even stay on for a while lol.


There are rules you gotta follow them and not get so angry about them, these are private websites, it is how the internet works.

  M.Beier said:
Quite sad to publish emails without asking for permission in advance.... I dont agree with Pieter, however, your reaction is only weaking your position, while you actually wanted to do good.. :-/ Bad move man.



  M.Beier said:
I missed an "always", as in I dont always agree... In this case, I do, it is besides the point though.


It is a low blow to publish an email like this.


means what l0ud_sil3nc3 said...



..... = strange but i am agree with you this time :D

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