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No thoughts on the 97.44 driver?


Old thread with screenshots: http://hwbot.org/news/1679_turrican_wins_oc_challenge_of_january_10_challenge_big_success


Found this one as well, so I guess it's not allowed: http://hwbot.org/news/1849_update_rules_bugged_driver_rule_elaborated


PS: Or allowed?


Do note that this rule will not be actively applied to hardware and drivers released prior the year 2010

Edited by I.nfraR.ed
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No thoughts on the 97.44 driver?


Old thread with screenshots: http://hwbot.org/news/1679_turrican_wins_oc_challenge_of_january_10_challenge_big_success


Found this one as well, so I guess it's not allowed: http://hwbot.org/news/1849_update_rules_bugged_driver_rule_elaborated


PS: Or allowed?

I get that it's allowed after I read that link. Now I'll be using it until I get a definitive answer telling me that I can't. I haven't submitted any runs on it yet.

Edited by Mr.Scott
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If it's clear that it's bugged, then it's not allowed. However, if nothing has been decided 24h from now I'll personally check any score with this driver.


it's RIDICULOUS that this was mentioned 3 YEARS ago and no action was taken:mad: Good lord...

Noted. ;)

I'm not using it. It's obviously not rendering everything. Too much chance of controversy. I don't need that.:P

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  • 4 weeks later...
As Knopflerbruce said: driver not allowed - it's bugged.


I said it was allowed (-check any subs with said driver-) if no decision was made 24h after I made my post, and nothing happened before today... so the complete opposite.


Not sure if people actually read it that way, but if people complain IMO we have no other option but to allow it. I might have said the same thing to people in MSN, too.


The problem appeared ~4 weeks ago, kinda late to say this now if you ask me. This question was brought up a long time ago, and if there is no official response for a while, it's fair to assume that he driver is indeed fine to use in this competition.

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Imo, it's either allow it or disallow it for everyone, including the old scores.

Yeah, I know some of the top scores will fall, but according to the rules back then, for me it was also not legit, because it's causing the benchmark to not render some parts of GT2 and GT3, which gives a big boost (~300p).


If it gets forbidden now and old scores remain, how we are supposed to break them? It's like tolerating a "cheat" driver for some and forbidding it for others.

If I'm not mistaken the bug is with GF4 only, but I was not able to install it on GF3 to verify (black screen and monitor going "out of range" before desktop) and my FX5900XT is now with LN2 clocks, because I forgot to change the bios >.<.

GF2 can only run GT1, which is not being rendered incorrectly, so no point in testing that.


I also think the answer is rather late. I have a single run with that driver, but won't submit in the competition if noone else does.

I asked about it more than 1 month ago and got no official answer, except those from Knut.

Edited by I.nfraR.ed
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As Knopflerbruce said: driver not allowed - it's bugged.

Then block ALL the subs that are using it. :P


You can't have it both ways, either it's good for everything/everyone, or it's not.


getting close to the end of comp can we have an official ruling on this driver i havent even tried it yet do I need backup scores with cheat driver just in case???

Yes, you do. I have one stashed already just in case.

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The question about 97.44 driver is still open to me.

I didn't submit the score with the bugged driver, but I don't see old scores removed or the possibility to be removed in the future.

Should I submit the bugged one? It's just a single run and only 10p over Turrican, but nevertheless 1st place in GeForce4 category.

It can't be done with normal driver.

Guess other guys have higher scores with this driver as well.


3342 with GF4 Ti4600 @ 446/412

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The question about 97.44 driver is still open to me.

I didn't submit the score with the bugged driver, but I don't see old scores removed or the possibility to be removed in the future.

Should I submit the bugged one? It's just a single run and only 10p over Turrican, but nevertheless 1st place in GeForce4 category.

It can't be done with normal driver.

Guess other guys have higher scores with this driver as well.


3342 with GF4 Ti4600 @ 446/412

I haven't submitted mine either........yet.

@ staff - Either remove ALL the subs that use this driver, or declare it usable. Make a freakin' decision. You can't have it both ways.

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