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  • Crew

Hey massman and fellow OC'ers!


Can we make it compulsory for users to state in the comment section of their results what speeds their GPU and CPU were running at for what tests? Cause it's hard to read results lately.



Example (like gyrock already did):


3Dmark06: Cpu test was run at 6.15ghz, gpu tests at 6.5ghz


and for 01


3Dmark01SE: Nature was run at 1550mhz, rest at 1350mhz like in screenshot. Car low was run at 6.8 and all other tests at 6.7


Just a suggestion!

  • Crew
Sounds good. I don't want more boxes that MUST be filled in though.... the number of available fields is getting a bit crazy already.


nah no official boxes or anything. Just a kind request. otherwise what is the point of having an official screenshot if it isn't official? (im reffering to '1350' gpu's and 2100+ natures)


Then we come back to a "gentlemans agreement" and we all know that means jack on here when everyones submissions are taken into account as a whole :(


My 7950GX2 and GTX280 results should have had more details about different MHz for different tests, everything else is one clockspeed for the whole thing, OR, I added notes on the differences (3D06)


too hard. in my last test i had different speeds in virtually every test and wouldnt remember it properly unless i took a notepad out, stuff that.......unless you want people to just make it up......

  • Crew
too hard. in my last test i had different speeds in virtually every test and wouldnt remember it properly unless i took a notepad out, stuff that.......unless you want people to just make it up......


Just a ballpark is fine, even only nature then is fine. But i get what you mean.

  • Crew
Mandatory -> no (can't enforce rule)


The description field is exactly for that: adding additional info to the score. If people do it, cool! If people don't do it, uncool.



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