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Why did you stop benching?


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I stopped benching because Andre told me so.






























Yeah right :D

Truth is............................




I'll never stop benching, I won't be submitting my scores on HWbot or any overclocking ranking website.



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I've stopped benching coz lost any interest in it. No feedback from OC, just waste of time. Yah, it's hobby, i know.

Just thought about all that sleepless night spent in front of pot and imagine - how many usefull and new products i could create if not spoiled time in OC :) The end ;]

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I've stopped benching coz lost any interest in it. No feedback from OC, just waste of time. Yah, it's hobby, i know.

Just thought about all that sleepless night spent in front of pot and imagine - how many usefull and new products i could create if not spoiled time in OC :) The end ;]


Dude are you sure about that? You quit for real? :(

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I've stopped benching coz lost any interest in it. No feedback from OC, just waste of time. Yah, it's hobby, i know.

Just thought about all that sleepless night spent in front of pot and imagine - how many usefull and new products i could create if not spoiled time in OC :) The end ;]


I'm new to benching but your results and crazy hw mods made a big impression on me. And probably lots of other lurkers. The community will be at a loss if you quit :(.


Edit. Sli hack is kickass, I hope to use it to storm the 3d01 ranks some day. And 8.199 cpuz is EPIC!

Edited by voidn
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Calculating of wasted money for countless hw and ln2 results medical damage to me for sure :-D


So yes, George_o/c, that's the end :)


Will concentrate strictly on R&D.


thanks for all your help in the past Tin ...you are the core of the oc community!

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