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Everything posted by Mr.Scott

  1. Actually.....we did. Everybody had input on this comp beforehand, yet there have been complaints every round. Comp organizers just can't win here, that's whats disappointing.
  2. My board can do more than 148, but I have a huge difference in voltages between processors also. Still, it benches better than my K7D Master L. We'll see what happens.
  3. It absolutely does. I have a couple boards here, both KX133 that I've benched Thunderbirds on. If shipping from the US doesn't scare you,( Roughly $50 USD) I have a board for you. KX133 or 751.
  4. Any particular reason for the 751 chipset choice? KX 133 is a better overclocker and supports Thunderbird.
  5. That is a Zosma. It's being misidentified by CPUz. Access denied
  6. Let me help you here. All pertinent info needs to be in the same screenshot. Your's was not. This is not allowed in any comp or even a regular sub. Understand?
  7. Different issue. Your's was not a backround issue. All pertinent info needs to be in the same screenshot. Your's was not. This is not allowed in any comp or even a regular sub. Stop your crying, you've been benching for a long time. You know better.
  8. IMO, comps are not the same as a general sub. So the user has to do their due diligence by checking ALL rules, comp and general, before subbing. HWBot can't make it much simpler than that.
  9. There is no difference. I would guess the first one is a typo/dupe in the name.
  10. Adapter is allowed. The restriction is the CPU has to be socket 478. I'm pretty sure this has been clarified a couple times already.
  11. Bug again?
  12. No comp backround in the validation, so yes, you need a screenshot too.
  13. I see your posts and pics in the NV overclocking section. Your name change might be messing with you. Clear your browser cache and try again.
  14. You're in the wrong league. Chilled water /= AIO water. Welcome to the Apprentice league.
  15. I think I have it. Thank you for being accommodating though. It is appreciated.
  16. Changing resolution changes the rendering also. No files involved, and no way to prove that it was changed.
  17. Rule reminder tells me that we are on the same page my friend.
  18. I've been experimenting. I can tell you right now that some of these miracles are not legit. Problem will be, as always, proving it. Asus's own tweak list for this bench is not legal for HWB under the current HWB rules. IMO, Realbench is very flawed and should not be given points under any circumstance. It's PCM05 II.
  19. Overview board still not totaling correctly.
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