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Everything posted by Mr.Scott

  1. Sense of humor didn't suffer. Wishing you nothing but the best bro. Stay healthy.
  2. What version number CPUz is that, with only partial information in it?
  3. There's actually a couple guys with newish Intel stuff, and most all the regular players run fairly current AMD rigs on a daily basis. This small team is nothing more than a group of guys that has fun with what they have. To be in the top 10, even if it's just for a day, is better than we thought we could pull off. Thanks for letting us play here.
  4. Team CP in the top 10 and ahead of Massman's team? Must be time for the next algorithm revision to be instituted.
  5. You're tenacious if nothing else. The answers you seek will not change no matter where you post.
  6. FWIW DT, you just keep doing what you're doing. I like the odd and unusual and appreciate it. It's all about the fun anyway.
  7. Interesting. Wonder if it has to do with my stripped OS.
  8. Yeah.....I'm sure that's it. lol I did have the FSB detection problems that everyone else had, but that's fixed now. I still get no lockups or anything like that though.
  9. I don't understand. I've never had that issue on any version of CPUz or board.
  10. DFI Ultra B I'll have to dig out my AN7 and try it. Haven't run it in a while anyway.
  11. I have no issue. Here's a couple from today. http://valid.canardpc.com/show_oc.php?id=2855371 http://valid.canardpc.com/show_oc.php?id=2855862 It depends largely on the bios that's used.
  12. Yes. Also does not play well with my stripped XP 32bit OS.
  13. Weren't they always? They have no actual value. It's a game, not a job. Honestly, you're taking this far to serious.
  14. Keep in mind people, IT'S HARDWARE BOT, not 'skill' bot.
  15. You take it personally. It's not meant that way. Just because I don't agree with some of what you say doesn't mean I don't like you. You're very good at what you do and I respect that. Not everybody will always agree with you.
  16. Does everybody have the opportunity to find these items also? We're not talking ES items here, just regular everyday attainable hardware. If you can find it, bench it. It's not the submitter's fault that nobody else has one yet.
  17. Why must you suck the 'fun' aspect out everything? It's a hobby. If it went totally the way you just stated, there would be only about 30% of the members left here, and would be limited to only the most current gen hardware.....................as long as you already have it. @ Teemto -:celebration:
  18. +1 :celebration:
  19. Is it not better to have than to have not?
  20. Not true my friend. Kenny is correct. Especially for PCM05 where the result txt is required in case FM decides to drop support.
  21. Already been answered. You'll pretty much know if Epower has been used. Video?, sure, why not. If you really want to participate you'll find the means.
  22. Honorable. :celebration:
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