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Everything posted by knopflerbruce

  1. The key is that you submit in the category which the card originally belonged to. A card that was a 6950 when it was brand new is still a 6950 when you unlock the extra shaders. Your card was a 4870x2 when it was brand new, and therefore it is still a 4870x2, even if it's crippled.
  2. If you ask me, it's still a 4870x2. A Phenom II 955 doesnt become a 555 if two cores are dead/disabled.
  3. If I were you I'd read the rules thoroughly, too - it's fine that you report scores, but you report alot that are OK - if you knew the rules yourself, especially when verification rules changed (for example, cpuz link is only mandatory from someetime in 2008 and onwards, 2007 scores without cpuz links are ALWAYS valid), you'd save yourself alot of time and effort (same for us, who always have to check the submission and write "OK at the time it was submitted".
  4. So, it seems like these chips have cold issues worse than the worst K8 chips?
  5. That's true, I waited 2-3 years to find a IC7 for sale locally
  6. You can run old hardware, where the CPUs are $5/piece - for example.
  7. Little cash => hardware masters ranking:) The global league has always had money as a factor. There are other rankings for people who don't have infinite $$$, where you need time, skills and patience more than a huge wallet to be able to compete.
  8. FYI, I'm reading all this:celebration:
  9. Well, ideally you should be able to run everything (if the main goal behind the global league is to show skill in all types of benchmarking, that is). But I wonder, say if you have 4 7970's - where is the easy part in benching... say 1, 2, 3, 4x GPU in 3DMark11, for example? You say it's easy points, but you don't really say why. But I'm done here (I think) I've said my opinion. We've discussed this before, and i don't think we agreed back then either. I'd also like to say that I agree with a couple of others here that it's not good to change the point system too often.
  10. Wouldn't that be a bit weird, too? No multi-GPU results and still top 3?
  11. wPrime is a bit different - you run completely different setups for singlecores and quads, for example. There will be an adjustment of points for "weird" rankings, so you won't get 60p for the top score in the 3x, 5x + server rankings anymore.
  12. Getting a 4-way setup to work properly is no easy task. To reward those scores with a fair amount of points is like rewarding skill. And running singlecard is something different from 3/4-way, probably more different than the difference between a couple of benchmarks in terms of benchmarking. Plus, only the very best (top 5) 3/4-way scores get alot of points, the rest get like 20-25 max - which is not the case for singlecard. It's not just like boot up your rig and get 100 points for 4-way, remove a card and get at least 80 for 3-way. You need to put up some effort to be able to get more points in those rankings than for singlecard. If you got 100 points for 5th place in 3-way rankings I'd get your point, but that's not how it really is. You can create a poll if you like.
  13. Send it to TiN, he will solder it on to a new PCB:D
  14. I don't think it's our task to reduce the expenses of overclocking as much as possible. The system works the following way atm: you get globals for your 15 best submissions in each category, and 1-4 GPU for benchmark X are counted as 4 different categories. This means you can choose your battles. If you run 1-4-way of some benchmark, then you've got 11 more benchmarks that count for your total. In the end, if you want the maximum number of boints, you can't rely on 3/4-way runs - you need to have a few singlecard runs too, as they're worth alot more points because of the extra competition. The only advantage "rich" people have with the new system is that they have a few more choices compared to people who can't afford 3/4-way rigs - but there are still plenty of other benchmarks to run if 3/4-way is out of reach. (cpuz, superpi 1m & 32m, pifast are 4, 1->6x PCMark05, wPrime 32m & 1024m = another 18. 01, 03, 05, 06, Vantage, 11, Heaven, Am3 for dual + singleGPU = another 16, so the total for people on a budget: 38 benchmarks. Compare this with the 15 you need for your profile) Even though this is not a perfect system, it's still better than the old one - where you HAD to run singlecard because of the extra points. It's much more flexible now.
  15. But no US guys going?
  16. Rename to 4xx these are tricores:D
  17. We're working on a proper set of rules, just to make things alot more crystal clear than they are at the moment. But those things need to be discussed properly, so it takes a little while. Sorry about that. I'm also waiting for input from other moderators, as I don't know what the current rules is - or where to look for it. Too lazy to search the forums for half an hour:p
  18. I don't know 45nm quad FSB clocking well, but an E0 wp1024m stable at 4.5 on air/water... doesn't sound too strange - q9650's can do that easily, at lower FSB.
  19. Give me your 2nd best chip, and you can have Deanzo in return!! Deal of the century!!
  20. There used to be some sort of rule that if it isn't current generation HW, then it is OK also for the Extreme league. I know we've discussed other possibilities, like if you're earning globals with it and are in the top 50 in the Extreme OC league, then you would be moved to pro. Or if the scores made with the ES chip were very good in at least one global ranking, same thing. I don't really know what's the current rule or not, but I'm pretty sure that if you don't plan to get too close to the records, then it's fine. Lots of people use engineering samples for grinding for example, but we never moved a user to the pro league because he got 2 points in some obscure ranking with an ES:p
  21. The same logic applies to 3/4-way benching I think. At some point, only the CPU is holding you back - even though 3DMark05/06/vantage are all 3D benchmarks and not 2D (CPU).
  22. We'll add the frequency requirement to the rules. Unfortunately there are alot of things that are not clear enough, but we're working on it:)
  23. I have an IC7-MAX3, and an NF7-S v2 too - not sure if that one works, though.
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