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Everything posted by GeorgeStorm

  1. +1 to a unified ranking system, regardless of what algorithmic changes take place. I like seeing place in team/country/world etc for easy of use, but having them all being related to the same ranking would certainly simplify things.
  2. Yeah I don't think people have an issue with the quality of moderation, more likely the quantity. (Or at least that's my opinion at least hah)
  3. Hope you all have a blast, looking forward to seeing the front page covered in subs from the weekend and pictures of the event
  4. Oh yeah should have mentioned, I like it as a whole Yet to hear of, see or use anything that remotely compares.
  5. I fully support simpler, but the points system couldn't take out number of subs in my opinion. Also the pdf is floating around somewhere, should be searchable. There we go first result: https://s3-eu-west-1.amazonaws.com/hwbotdownloads/hwbot+rev7+points+(v7).pdf
  6. You'd remove the influence of the number of subs? Also I'd remove the amount of butthurt on the forums for a variety of reasons
  7. Certainly looks like it! What kind of voltage was needed for 2100? Definitely need to give mine another go I think!
  8. You didn't have any issues with cold bugs with the newer drivers? Card is absolutely flying though great work!
  9. Yeah editing scores definitely seems to do funny things to rankings etc.
  10. Haha yeah, couldn't get anything multithreaded running much over 5.5 (wprime 32m I think was the only one?) Not sure if it's settings, bad mount, poor temp management, who knows, maybe I'll have another go next time I get LN2, just takes a lot of LN2 and isn't much fun
  11. Yeesh going in hot with all that hw! Shame this isn't a little closer (by approximately an ocean) as I'd love to come!
  12. Having more 3d benches that are less reliant on the cpu can only be a good thing, but I've no idea about these specifically.
  13. I thought you were allowed to change during it, since all the stages etc aren't known from the beginning, so would be a little unfair to lock someone in to one division for them to find out they can't be remotely competitive in one of the later round.
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