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Everything posted by GeorgeStorm

  1. Now that's a name I haven't seen in a while!
  2. What is even going on here?
  3. Didn't even notice! Much better than my r15 effi hah
  4. Is the plan to just remove benches which you can't 'secure'? Then they're no loss to the community of that's enough to out them off? Haha (kinda joking) So the idea is this would require continual funding?
  5. Nice one, should be scoring higher though surely at 7.2?
  6. Looking forward to seeing some results with it, as Nox said would be a great way to allow people to use W10, but also agree wouldn't want it needed for every submission on hwbot, otherwise goodbye XP.
  7. Sorry I haven't had a chance to look at this yet. As Scott said this is meant to be a friendly cup, and if it was because I was too slow uploading a 2nd background, happy to treat he results however you guys would like
  8. Ah yes I've never tried uploading from gpupi itself so can't help there I'm afraid. Always save and upload later
  9. I believe the division is 3.2 and older, or 3.3+ and so therefore it should be working. What happens when you try to upload?
  10. Looking epic, can't wait to see how it does on ln2!
  11. In hindsight I shouldn't have agreed to do this as it turned out I didn't have any time, and yes I set up some things wrong, and then got things wrong when moderating. Leeg is trying to salvage things, I just did a simple if not valid no good, a lot of people took valid just to mean not lod etc. I hadn't noticed the system info issues as I assumed 3dmark valid required latest system info again my bad. If we want to follow the rules as written that's fine, just mean a lot more removed scores I believe, which seems a shame for a fun comp. This was meant to be a fun comp, and so there can be flexibility, trying to give those who entered some voice, being rude isn't going to help anyone.
  12. Thanks @Leeghoofd Mixture of not having any time at the moment and not being super familiar with more recent 3dmark validation has resulted in this confusion. I just took valid to be all good, whereas it looks like you can get a valid score with an older systeminfo, but that's not valid according to hwbot rules which I missed. I'm happy going with whatever those who took part would rather, lenient or strict moderation. LOD/drive settings changed are a no, but letting processor not recognised, unverified driver etc pass is fine with me, although in general I would say in the future, if a comp says a valid link is required, make sure your link says valid to avoid as many issues as possible.
  13. Flag seems good, no extra points as maybe live events are hard, but maybe someone benching at home is more difficult, how are we to know their situation?
  14. I'll have a look about system info, I was just checking to see if links were valid. Must include picture of overclocking rig I felt covered the card, but yes could have added that specifically, and a valid link covers no LOD etc.
  15. Will be a couple of months before I get a chance, and will be on a board that hasn't seen cold yet, so no idea how it'll work out but I'll try to push you so you have to
  16. So apparently my efficiency was really quite awful :D
  17. Great one! Will hopefully give mine another go, see if it's got any more to give
  18. https://hwbot.org/competition/cheapaz_chips_s3/stage/4564_3dmark_-_sky_diver_(gpu) Does that page not show the rules for other people? States the score must be valid on 3dmark.com
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