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Everything posted by xxbassplayerxx

  1. Hey Mr. @Splave! Got anything here?
  2. I have no idea how this competition works lol
  3. I assume those are AFR modules? Nice results
  4. Amazing guide... will be very helpful
  5. As the speeds go up, the voltage tolerance goes down. That's why 3000C11 is so popular, many kits can handle a lot of voltage at those speeds. My kit is like this: 3000 - 1.85V 3200 - 1.75V 3333 - 1.57V Haven't been able to test higher yet (got some E-Die) and, honestly, I'm not sure how my kit compares to others... just what I have to work with right now.
  6. Got a few more results last night. Still nothing too great. It turns out the board was setting extremely high RTL's but they were about the best it could do, even with manual tuning. I'm going to get everything as tight as possible for routine 32M passes and then compare to other boards. After a little bit of tweaking secondaries (and a nap), here are last night's results. Still junk OS, for the time being: G.Skill 3600 Samsung E-Die kit @ 3866 15-19-19 28 1T - 1.65V Notes: At 3866 @ 1.65V, I could not pass with tCWL 12 and would fail boot ~50% of the time. tCWL 13 is perfectly stable. tRRD_L & tRRD_S in BIOS do not correspond with tRRD_L & tRRD_S in Timing Configurator. Haven't figured out how to change them yet. I was unable to tweak better than 64-56-64-57-4-6-4-6 on RTL's and IOL's @ 3866 @ 1.65V. vDIMM was 1.65V, SA was 1.26V, and IO was 1.22V. More testing to come after the weekend!
  7. And if you can't find a kit that loves voltage, find one that is okay with it then freeze! Cold will help a bit with scaling, even at the same volts.
  8. Great news! Figured out how to set RTL and IOL! Turns out GB has them in a different order with different labels. Here's an image that has the ASRock labels on it so you know how to enter them when looking at Timing Configurator: EDIT: And reversed in text to match ASRock... be very careful not to mix up the zeros and ones. RTL (CHA) D0 = Round Trip Latency (DIMM0/Rank0) D1 = Round Trip Latency (DIMM1/Rank0) RTL (CHB) D0 = Round Trip Latency (DIMM0/Rank1) D1 = Round Trip Latency (DIMM1/Rank1) IO-L (CHA) D0 = IoLatR0D0 D1 = IoLatR0D1 IO-L (CHB) D0 = IoLatR1D0 D1 = IoLatR1D1 EDIT 2: This post is incorrect. Please see post # 26 below for the correct information.
  9. Good to see you here. I gave up on MFR for a bit to test my new Samsung kit. Running 4000 16-20-20 28 1T right now. Secondaries and tertiaries are really loose but it's pretty cool running this high
  10. Definitely can't touch RTL/IOL. Set only IOL, no go, set only RTL, no go. Set both, no go. 55 on all. EDIT: @Splave, best I could do was 3100C12.
  11. I just got one of these about a week ago and have had a few moments to play with it. It seems like a very capable board but it's extremely particular. Fortunately, Shamino put together an awesome guide for it back when he was at EVGA. However, he hosted quite a few of the images on a site that has since shut down. http://kingpincooling.com/forum/showthread.php?t=361 Is there any chance that someone saved the guide before it went down? I tried to use internet archive/wayback machine and things like that but they don't archive images.
  12. This one slipped under the radar! Nicely done... brave man running 32M on Skylake
  13. I was looking at this trying to figure out how you did it with memory at 3200 C13-18-18. Turns out you didn't, you just used an older profile or entered it wrong
  14. Looks like there are two possibilities. There's a third Voltera VT1165 chip on the front and there's also a uP6101 on the back. Not sure which one controls memory but on the uP6101, FB is pin 6. I've not modded a Volterra chip with just an FB mod before. Sense+ is pin 9 and Sense- is pin 10. Volterra: uPI: I referenced these images for front and back. I have the whole datasheet for the Volterra chip and a single page for the uPI. If you need them, shoot me a PM.
  15. I'll check this evening! BIOS F5 on the OC Force is much better than the earlier BIOSes I had on the UD5. I have high hopes for the BIOS team
  16. Hey all, Since Bull is playing with other boards right now I figured I'd share my journey with this board. I received it yesterday and just got a few minutes to tweak before I had to call it a night. Using BIOS F5 (newest), there are still a few things to iron out. Issues (possibly user error, still new to the board): RTL and IOL 55 every time I touch them, even if I set them to the same values it had set automatically. EDIT: I've been told this may be due to setting just RTL and leaving IOL on auto. Will verify this evening if setting them both manually fixes the issue. tCWL was unbootable at 9, which many others are running at much higher frequencies tWTR_L defaults to 12 if I set 10 or 11. Haven't tried other values yet. Don't have a Pi OS put together for SKL yet... just running on a dirty W7 for now. Only tweaked primary and secondaries, not very tight. RTL and IOL are auto for the time being. Kingston 3333C17 1.35V MFR @ 3333 13-15-15 28 1T @ 1.50V
  17. Nice kits :celebration:
  18. Getting my hopes up that we would actually see retails
  19. Damn... should have saved some money then! Just hoping that my 3600 kit is relatively new since they've gone out of stock so many times.
  20. Report back! I hope we can finally slay this damned chip. SKL FTL
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