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Everything posted by gnidaol

  1. Am I wrong or MVP only won't work on X79, P67 and FX chipsets in the future? I think that I've read somewhere that it will take part in every platform from now on... Am I wrong?
  2. 0016 file for RIV gene is not working (404) Thanks!
  3. I saw that too but now the text has changed.
  4. I think that is something to think... Since MVP will take part on both amd and intel motherboards we could do like some people suggested and make it valid for the hardware released in the future. If it is this really great feature I agree that we will have to deal with it, and differently from physix stuff it won't be an exclusive feature, since it will be on a huge number of chipsets and motherboards ... But I also agree that we cannot compare results with MVP to without MVP at least at the first moment when people already benched old hardware...
  5. I agree that it's not cheating. Also agree that it will became a must have feature. Everybody will have to rebench with Ivybridge anyway, better to use the best tweak out of it from the box... I don't want to spend ln2 on a vga to see people at normal hardware forums saying that scores better than I did at their own rig without any tweak. I think that it is something that we all gonna deal with. As some people said, since it doesn't change benchmark speed or avoid the hardware from rendering some scene (since it only optimizes recurring frames (they were rendered once and the CPU power and driver feed the vga with the important info)) I think that is completely legal.... By the way, both cds that I've got here has the MVP folder empty as well =P I'd like to try it... I'll check later if lucid driver isn't enough or it's really missing the MVP stuff...
  6. We are always looking for some new options but the big suppliers doesn't sell "small" amount of ln2, so we are stuck with some sort of "re-sellers". They are probably making their money, but we still have no other option here... I hope some day we could buy it directly from who produces it. It'll still be expensive but it will be less unfair for sure. anyway, it was the first contest held here and I hope that we can have more soon. OC events rocks
  7. It was really great to have this kinda competition happening here in Brazil. I was honored to be the judge and happy to see great overclockers pushing as far as they could on their first non online contest. Some of them never played LN2 before but they had handled it very well. Surprisingly two of ours best extreme ocers had issues. The winner is a extreme ocer but the "enthusiast ocers" managed to win each of the three stages. Congratulations to everybody.. sadly the majority of the scores won't be published on hwbot because they are on the "enthusiast league", but some day if LN2 become affordable here in Brazil we can have a great number of real talented warriors fighting hard on hwbot extreme league.
  8. Is this Xpower 1.0 BIOS newer than the 1.0b16? thanks
  9. here in Brazil it's about 4 Euro/liter + 22 Euro dewar rent/day (~30 liters dewar)
  10. If you don't think that should change the way boints are given at all, maybe you should consider giving some visibility to some hardware rankings. Like showing at front page the single vga overall ranking, single cpu, cpu amd... Not necessarily a new league or a different one, but to have these important rankings with the deserved value. Like who is the VGA king? Who is the AMD king? Who is the whatever king? You don't need to change everything, just give the right visibility to some rankings that are already calculated by hwbot but you need to filter to get it. I don't know, just brainstorming... I've read the discussion and everything seems to be already told. But seems that something should be changed... we just need how to do it without making things worse and without removing the fun that we have when we bench.
  11. I'm one of those guys who known competitive oc because of Rbuass three years ago, I can say that my life has changed since that day. Thanks for the big effort, today we are starting to see the impact that your hard work brought through these events and through the community you've helped to make it grow with top quality.
  12. LOL I'm alone here trying to make this bench have the same rules that the others does... =( Come on, staff say something? Did you try it only choosing the right number of threads and the best optimization for each cpu on adv button? Did it affect final score at the same configuration at all??
  13. You already can do that at current GUI at "adv..." button. The score is validated as well with no issues. What I'm asking is for hwbot to accept these specific and validated runs to be considered valid and not only the ones with lots of "feature tests".
  14. Hello guys, after a couple months I come back again to rise up one thing that really bothers me about this bench: In 3dmark03 we just need to run the game tests, in 3Dmark vantage we can disable feature tests, in wprime 1.55 I need to select the number of threads (otherwise I could end up running it as a single threaded benchmark), now please, make my hearth calm down by explaining to me why do I need to run single thread, dual thread, xxx thread until the correct thread count and even more, sse, sse2 sse3 and sse4 if ONLY THE BEST subtest is taken to the final score??? To me it's the same as not allowing wprime thread selection or running 3dmark subtests that doesn't matter to the final score. As far as I can see is really pointless to stress my cpu calculating stuff that won't make any difference at the final score. Please staff, do the test: run it at default options and then select just the set of instructions of the highest score and the correct number of threads of your CPU and run it again. You will receive almost the same score and you be able to successfully validate it at the official website. I love this benchmark, but I see that we are obligated to do things here that in a lot of other benchs we can avoid without breaking the rules. thanks if you prove that I'm wrong and thanks if you accept my suggestion!
  15. That's really sad, Brazilian customs still have my moa Americas gear (10 months later and no delivery, some employee should be really happy by now with an xpower and a reference 580). but I think that Russian customs is better than this damn customs here #tough
  16. El Gappo, I think there's some kind of coincidence going on here, you've compared mine result with Guerreiro's result, we don't live in the same city and not even at the same state. I've done my result using my OS and my system at Ronaldo's some weeks ago. We all had Ronaldo as some sort of a guide at sometime in our lives it would be normal to us to instinctively prepare the OS and do some tweaks as he does since we learnt it from him. And obviously at the OC events one person prepares the OSs at the day before. Sometimes it could be the same Harddrive being shared when people bring their machines but as far as I know that is not illegal, or it is? As I've already sad before, he (Ronaldo) taught us a lot of stuff. There are things that will look similar, we've got to deal with it and not to start to challenge every similar OS since its just the windows or is there any rule that every single OCER should have its own windows theme with everything completely different that I've missed? Both results are validated and I can assure you that my score is mine I bought that VGA and I've already sold it in order to try to buy a better one. And to avoid further invalid suspicious stuff, I'll explain something about Brazil to you: Brazilian OC community is really small, instead of that market of x58 and x57 SB, it's common to have people buying x54 and x55 cpu from other people, if we don't sell our not best cpus how would we manage to get money to buy another one to try to find a better one? And that happens with a lot of hardware (not only cpus), if you take a loot into Brazilian hardware forums (that is not a few because we Brazilians don't like each other in general so we can't use the same space to discuss about technology, if you want links just ask me) there will be always a big and very active section with threads created by users to trade used stuff they own. And also there'll be some results using similar hardware because some distributor of hardware got good prices on it here in Brazil and some ppl bought it at that time, and to conclude the explanation there'll be similar looking settings because we discuss on our forums and we find that some setting or some memory timming would bring good scores. We don't receive motherboards in anyway (yet) from the manufacturers (only Ronaldo does sometimes, but he is a PRO) so if Ronaldo tells us to buy one specific piece of hardware we will buy it in order to proper benching. There will be a lot of factors that will make we bench in a similar way, but you can not tell that we are sharing anything but knowledge. I'll start to take pictures of my scores from now on, it's not in the rules that it is mandatory but I'm a very honest man and I really don't like to see my overclocking skills being put into check this way. I was 13th place at 2010 MOA WW Finals I think that I don't need to prove anything. if it wasn't by a mistake made while soldering the vmods at a hotel room in the day before at american qualifier after newyear's eve I would be at this year's WW finals as well. I don't like to see the way things are going on this thread and I would love if the rules was the same for every OCER, if we've got to have pictures now to make every one believe that it is my hardware and that I worked with it, everyone else should have to do the same not only the members of the team that I participate. (but I'll start to do that anyway, I have my beliefs and I don't really like to see it being challenged) I hope that you understood it, I understood what you've tried to see and I really hope that you had understood that we follow the rules. We fight hard to spread OC here in Brazil and it's really sad to see this kinda thing happening. Ronaldo is a great guy, maybe he's a little too anxious and don't have perfect English writing skills so maybe you've felt that his words were somehow aggressive. That's normal to happen and I don't blame you, it happens when you are seeing some injustice going on and have to write in an non native language. Please don't take that as personal and don't end up messing with who didn't do anything wrong. Thanks for reading and understanding. Please, if I'm doing something wrong please, let me know that I can assure you that if I did I didn't know that it was wrong and I won't make the same mistake anymore.
  17. I didn't post anything about this thread yet because I needed to check how things would be done and as far as I saw, hwbot will take the correct actions. What I didn't like was the way some people started to be suspicious and saying other ppl are guilty as well and so on... We all realized that cheating had occur and the correct action will be taken by hwbot crew. But I don't like to feel that there are people saying that Brazilian teams are cheaters. We have a lot of difficulties to buy hardware due to our excessive tributary laws with lots of taxes.. We fight hard and we have talented overclockers. If you look into OCA's sharing thread you won't see any kind of prejudice like this... Once Brazil has few active overclockers, isolated cheating facts would seem that everybody does that here, but every OCer should be judged by his own mistakes, not the entire community that he belongs to. About joe90br I know him. I didn't speak to him about this huge mistake yet. I know that he will receive the deserved punishment and will learn from that. One day he'll come back and keep helping Brazilian overclocking to grow. I won't try explain the possible reasons of why he had "stolen" the screens. But as far as I know him he is an honest person and probably it was a misunderstood created by the fact that he used to carry the flash drives at the OC events here, probably he found the screens some time later and posted thinking it was made at his machine and he hadn't posted yet(once he hadn't found it on his own profile)... What in any way, intentional or not is completely wrong! Anyway, I'm not here to guess or make any judgment about this crime. I'm like Hondacity, when I find something suspicious I always report to hwbot crew.. there's always questionable results being posted, the difference is that instead of creating a public thread allowing people to judge a whole country as cheaters I simply keep it to the people in charge of moderating the results... Anyway (I love this word ), he (hondacity) is not wrong in any manner but to create a situation where people can be lead to bully a whole community is not funny at all. Now I expect this thread to be closed and to see the punishment restricted to who gone wrong and end this pointless discussion again and again about hardware sharing. H.S. has it owns threads on HWBOT and this one is not one of them. Let's go back to benching, that is what we all like to do.
  18. lol that's the way I like it, lots of challenges!! The sad part of being on the first qualifier is not being able to have the same battle that you guys faced on each of the "operations"... At Operation Las Vegas using Xpower + patriot memory + reference 580 didn't brought this challenges of fixed parameters or insufficient PSU =P but I don't complain, I know I would prefer to be on WW finals, but partying hard on Vegas is priceless =)
  19. Great to see EVGA back to the field of Vantage without being a SR2 =) GO 45K!! =D
  20. Last year there was two south american teams on finals, this year we've got none... =( All latin teams had serious issues with "politics" to go to the MOA Americas =( One qualified guy had his USA visa request rejected (as far I heard of his teammate), and my mobo and vga got confiscated by Brazil's customs... LOL only one team had real chances to take at least one OCer from south america, because his teammate didn't had his USA visa aproved as well but at least there was enough time to find a great American friend to team up with (so no more visa issues for them)... I hope next year we have better luck on the qualifiers to get to the finals again... There's a lot of great Latin OCers we should conquer our space back next year! =) For the qualified guys: have a lot of fun there!! For real!!
  21. =( I've spend lots of effort$ to find a good bridge (just not to name it the way it deserves) and I still don't have even a x56 cpu... Here in Brazil a Retail CPU costs about $600 at retail stores!!! I would easily easily EASILY pay a little bit more to have a better cpu than I ever found here. As far as I searched for in hwbot ranks, I only saw 2 cpus at x56 in Brazil (probably they belonged to more than one OCer)... with a x57 CPU I would have all national records of superpi, pifast and 3d01 just out of the box... =( While that doesn't happen I'll keep the search for the holy grail.. I mean, for a good bridge
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