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Everything posted by Leeghoofd

  1. Cool idea... now try to persuade Massman I'll be back in 2013 for his reply Cool Australians ? This thread is derailed !
  2. You are so in trouble right now Ney :nana: Kuddos though for telling the truth, takes a man to do it !!
  3. Make sure you use the correct pi version and open the required CPU-Z tabs mate, then you will be fine...
  4. If you look at the GOOC 2010 pics they are paying our hotel bills Now that's what I call service :woot: I really hope Gigabyte brings back GOOC... I still want another shot at Marc Beier with the paintball gun ! Yeah Eeky time has not been gentle with me at all lately
  5. It would be fill in the form first and later on selectable PJ, not hardware based on what you recently submitted.
  6. Me too. Red shirt a lot skinnier then now Fun times at GOOC
  7. You have to make 10 real friends publicly tell the world they like you on facebook :nana: Silly Marc
  8. Have you seen Deanzo's piccie ? That's even more looooooool...
  9. you are 223 now, sometimes it takes some time for the calculations to follow up...
  10. Can only find 12.8 there, no legacy drivers... wow AMD expert beats the socks off Win7 RAID Nevermind found them
  11. Question 1 for the experts: If it's RAM cache, shouldn't it boost other apps too like ASSD, CD, HD Tune ? When testing SSD cache for a review I always get an improvement after the 2nd-3rd run... does RAM cache work differently ? (not taking into account reboots ofcourse) I borrowed Gamers setup : I got a boost in PCMark05 with my Sempron 145 from 18K to 22.5K by applying the appropriate strip sizes mentioned by VAPOR and utilising the AMD Expert tool for the RAID setup (this with 400Mhz lower CPU clocks... ) If I set 64K iso 4K format, my scores for Gen Usage and Virus scan get lower here... I saw a virusscan of 3000 ( single test run ) with the Sempron at 4Ghz, but sometimes it was far lower... Question 2: Does this only work for version 2.18 and maybe future releases ? Older versions don't give the gen usage and virusscan boost ?
  12. Congratz all, very fun stages. And very competitive scores ! Thanks Gamer, Massman, Teemtooooooo, Skull for submitting for the Shrimps team... Till next time !!
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