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Everything posted by jessec0626

  1. my mistake. I thought i was ok since it wasnt in the rules. fair is fair tho. best of luck to you all!
  2. Recently one of my scores was removed from the comp. It was a heaven xtreme score. I'm not really sure what I did wrong, but if anyone could tell me what I did wrong, I would greatly appreciate it! That way I dont do it again. Lol
  3. jessec0626

    FS: HD5770 SOC

    Damn I wish I wouldn't have spent so much money on the other 10 5770s. I need to check the for sale threads more often. Lol
  4. I ordered 9 HD 5770s. When delivered one was this HD 5830. I was like damn gotta return it. Didnt test it. Then I killed the 8 HD 5770s and was left with this HD 5830. It is funny how it worked out. Lol
  5. I got lucky with this card. The mems are great. There are probably better mems out there though. The core however, she was born for the cold. Lol I'm not sure if I was hitting a form of OCP/OVP at 1.7V but there was definitely lots of noise coming from the card at 1.7V. Crashes as well. I can only imagine what the pro modders could get out of this card.
  6. Thanks bros!!! This session was definitely needed after murdering all those HD 5770s ?
  7. thanks for a chance to bench that beauty @mllrkllr88!! Good luck everyone!!
  8. BB pot + Z170M OCF is just unreal performance. It's clear that we havent needed another MOCF. Can't wait to see if we get an M/OCF on the 1159 socket!!
  9. Hello everyone. I hope all is well! I'm on the search for a strong 8700K or 8086K that will do 6.75G+ R15. Help a bro out. Lol
  10. any special volts needed for that or is it all in the lower RAM and CPU multi?
  11. Yea wtf @l0ud_sil3nc3 that efficiency is bitchin!!
  12. Any hobby that stands the test of time eventually becomes something larger than a hobby. I.E. every sport in history. Every sport I can think of has lasted decades. Some are more popular than others, but that's not my point. Every sport I can think of has went through many different changes to the sport itself. Most sports, the rules get changed every year. Or in e-sports case, the game gets updated. By nature this upsets and pleases people at the same time. To me, that is exactly whats happening on hwbot. I'm not sure if there is a way to avoid that.
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