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Everything posted by TaPaKaH

  1. you should have downclocked and made the margins lower .. for more fun
  2. http://www.overclock.net/t/1300766/super-pi-32m-4ghz-efficiency-challenge/760_20#post_19846024 Bullant had a 6 second slower score at 1300 6-10-6. Not the first time I see this guy cheat.
  3. All cards are created unequal, by the same definition. If some manufacturer have deliberately decided to make their card slower (=worse), why can't we just accept the fact that the card is not too competitive against other cards of the same model rather than generating a specific category for it? Using same logic, you would have to separate Lightnings from ref cards and generate a new category for each crippled "wonder" that's out there on the OEM market (in Asia especially).Another good thing in having less categories is that each category now becomes more popular resulting in more points even for the bottom places. Yes, this allows less cups to be scored, but if cups is all you want, there are plenty of obsure models (not obscure crippled submodifications of popular models) around for you to do so.
  4. TaPaKaH

    s775 goodies

    Then skip DDR2 altogether, DDR3 makes more sense on 775
  5. All crap CPUs surprisingly die on air in my hands, regardless of board. EDIT: Ones that have warranty, obviously.
  6. Why not at least make a possibility to stay longer for those who want it? The rest can limit their stay to the weekend.
  7. May be you can still hit 1900+ suicide like Christian Ney once did with his 2400C9 RipjawsZ (though his BFR were much better binned).
  8. Too sad Andre isn't around anymore, otherwise you'd have an 'interesting' PM
  9. <1700 air to >2100 cold is quite a huge improvement, rare MFR will do so
  10. I like how CPU and RAM freqs in the description totally match the ones on the screen
  11. Ivy Bridge is no longer consider current-gen so you should be able to post the ES results outside the Pro league.
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